The Morning Call

Readers offer their own stories and advice

- By Amy Dickinson askamy@amydickins­ Twitter@askingamy Copyright 2022 by Amy Dickinson Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency

Dear Readers: Often, readers reply to dilemmas posed in my column in ways that are helpful, useful and inspiring. Today’s column is devoted to some of these replies. I’m grateful for readers who share their stories.

Dear Amy: “Tell or Not Tell” wondered about disclosing the sexual abuse she had survived as a child to the man she was dating.

I had been divorced for five years when I went on a date with a man I had met. On our way to the restaurant, we were behind a car with a bumper sticker that said “Help Stamp Out Child Abuse.”

“Why would someone put a bumper sticker like that on their car?” he asked. I thought for a moment and said, “I suppose the car belongs to someone like me who was molested as a child.”

My date didn’t ask for any more details at that moment because he was trying not to wreck the car.

I knew from his shocked reaction that this was a man with whom my children would be safe, and he has been — for 37 years now. This woman should tell him and see what happens. What he says and does next will tell her what she needs to know.

— Found a Good One

Dear Found: This brings tears to my eyes. Thank you.

Dear Amy: Responding to questions about DNA disclosure­s, my wife found out that her father was not her biological parent when she had her DNA analyzed.

It came as a shock. Both her mother and father have been dead for some time. My wife has been more hurt from finding out this way, as opposed to being told by her mother.

Her two brothers also took DNA tests and they all discovered that her older brother was also fathered by another man.

I’ve told my wife it is possible her mother did not know exactly who had fathered her children, so it’s best not to be too judgmental about this.

Your advice to inform people about DNA findings is solid, and my spouse wholeheart­edly agrees.

— Embracing Answers

Dear Embracing: DNA discoverie­s are forcing many families to re-imagine their histories.

Dear Amy: “Selfish” wondered when it might be too late to send or receive a letter of condolence after a death in the family.

When our youngest son was killed five weeks before his 19th birthday, we received hundreds of notes and sympathy cards.

While we greatly appreciate­d all of the condolence­s we received at the time of our son’s death, the note we got six months later stood out the most.

We felt extra supported to know that someone else remembered that while the world moved on, we continued to grieve the loss of our child.

For those who grieve, any time would be considered “timely” to know that others are rememberin­g them in their loss.

— Supported

Dear Supported: I hope your testimony will inspire people to reach out to those who grieve — no matter how much time has passed.

Dear Amy: Your column frequently reflects the many ways in which families are made, and how to discuss DNA disclosure­s, sperm and egg donation, and adoption within the family.

We adopted a child 26 years ago. Ours was an open adoption, and our motto was that no child can have too much love.

From the beginning of our time together, when our daughter was a baby, we used pictures to tell our daughter her origin story. As she matured, the story matured.

I hope this idea is helpful to some of your readers who don’t feel able to tell their child they weren’t conceived biological­ly.

Our daughter recently got married, and as she exchanged vows with her husband, her father and I, her brothers, her birth grandparen­ts, birth mother, birth mother’s siblings and children formed the circle of love that surrounded her.

The bride was radiant. She knows who she is.

— Proud Parent

Dear Proud: “She knows who she is.” Beautiful. Tackling ever-changing questions about identity is one of the burdens of being human. Your loving, open and honest attitude has made this much easier for your wide family circle.

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