The Morning Call

After breakup, ex haunts partner’s dreams

- By Amy Dickinson askamy@amydickins­ Twitter@askingamy Copyright 2023 by Amy Dickinson Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency

Dear Amy: When I was in my early 20s, I dated a guy and fell in love. He broke up with me abruptly and I was broken-hearted.

Because of the abruptness of the breakup, how happy I was with him and some hints he made afterward about regretting his actions, for years, I felt like we had unfinished business.

The rational part of my brain told me that actions speak louder than words — he broke up with me and never made any real attempt to initiate a reconcilia­tion. It wasn’t meant to be. We moved to different cities, I met and fell in love with my now-husband, and for over a decade, my ex has not been in my life. No texting, no following on social media, no mutual friends ... nothing.

My problem? Every six months or so, he appears in my dreams. There are usually powerful feelings of love and longing in these dreams, and I wake up feeling sad and wistful. I love my husband and have a pretty great life, so I don’t understand why this person haunts me.

Surely at this point, the dreams and the feelings are not really about this guy, right? How can I get rid of him?

— Stop Haunting My Dreams

Dear Stop Haunting: The rational side of your brain understand­s these longago events. But now your subconscio­us is trying to tell you something — and it will continue until you turn the dream inside-out and decode its meaning.

Look for patterns occurring around those times when you have this dream.

Is something in your waking life triggering this dream? Are moments of stress in your marriage (or other relationsh­ips) bringing this on? Write down a detailed account of the waking period preceding the dream.

Also write down a descriptio­n and script of the dream itself. Writing is important because the act of writing helps to open your mind, prompting thoughts and memories.

My theory is that this dream is about the unrealized possibilit­ies of youth. Your first love might represent lots of other relationsh­ips or opportunit­ies that in your mind remain unfinished or unfulfille­d. Because of the abruptness of this breakup, you might have been left blaming yourself. Let yourself off the hook. Recognizin­g and accepting unmet goals or unfinished relationsh­ips, and forgiving yourself for your own actions should help you to write a new ending for this dream.

Dear Amy: My grandma recently passed in a traumatic way. One of my best friends attended the entire funeral service, which meant a lot to me. Another best friend didn’t come at all, and expressed her sympathy via text.

My sister thinks it’s unnecessar­y for a friend to attend a service if they didn’t know the relative who died. I disagree. Am I old-fashioned?


Dear N: You’re not oldfashion­ed; you’re grieving. Unfortunat­ely, experienci­ng a loss like yours is often the primary way that any of us learn how important it is to actually “show up” for a funeral.

People are weird about funerals. Either they don’t know, don’t understand or are extremely averse to attending a funeral — possibly because of their own negative experience­s.

Your reaction is not uncommon. After a traumatic loss, survivors can sometimes fixate on those who don’t show up, don’t go through the receiving line, don’t express their condolence­s in expected ways … or at all.

Your sister’s opinion is that only those who personally knew the deceased need to attend a funeral. Now that you’ve been through this, you understand that funerals are honoring the deceased for the survivors.

Dear Amy: “Scammed” reported being scammed by someone claiming to be a representa­tive of PayPal.

Anyone who responds to an email or phone call with someone who coaches you to buy gift cards: This is a scam! These scammers can capture credit card informatio­n and sell it to others who make purchases deducted from your accounts. Store employees who are selling gift cards should be trained about these scams.

— Once Scammed, Twice Vigilant

Dear Twice Vigilant: I really like the idea of training store employees about this increasing­ly common scam.

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