The Morning Call

We make plans and God laughs

- The Rev. Elizabeth Goudy is pastor of the Metropolit­an Community Church of the Lehigh Valley, Allentown.

This past January I headed to Arizona to spend time with my parents and prior to leaving,

I had all sorts of food plans in my head. I am a sandwich fanatic and there is a restaurant in downtown Phoenix called Pane Bianco where they bake their focaccia breads, have a house-made mozzarella, delicious iced tea and a friendly staff.

I made plans to visit Pane Bianco in their charming building with fresh flowers on each of their rustic wooden tables. Additional­ly, The Barrio Cafe, also near downtown, has the freshest guacamole I have ever tasted. So I also mapped out a stop to The Barrio Cafe while in the area.

There is a saying that “we make plans and God laughs.” Though I like to think that God laughs with me and not at me.

When I arrived in Arizona, Dad shared that they had been having some major car trouble due to an engine recall and they had been using a rental van for over a month. Dad did not want me to drive the van due to restrictio­ns with the rental company. I’m in my 50s and I told my 80-yearold Father, “You’re not the boss of me!” and I took the van and drove off to have the delicious food I had been dreaming of for over a month (no, I’m kidding! I would NEVER take my Dad’s car or rental car without his permission).

My vision for the time away had to quickly change. Instead of driving all over town and chasing after scrumptiou­s food, I adjusted the seat on the bicycle in the garage. At 7:30 a.m. each morning I made the 15-minute bike ride to daily Mass at a nearby Catholic church. Next, I bicycled to the library to use the Wi-Fi and then I biked to the grocery store and to pick up a few items. This became my daily rhythm, except on the weekend when I cycled over to the Saturday service at a nearby Lutheran church and on Sunday morning I made the 30-minute bike ride over to the United Church of Christ for their worship service.

I took a leap of faith and made some dishes for my parents I had not previously prepared. The pork burgers with apple, sage and parmesan were a hit, as were the turkey meatballs. I undercooke­d the roasted parsnips and carrots, the chicken didn’t crisp, but most of the food turned out all right. It wasn’t Pane Bianco or the Barrio Cafe. Instead, it was Chez Goudy and it was all right.

I came seeking after particular foods and God provided in a different way. Jesus asks, “Is not life more than food?” Well, indeed, yes. I made idols out of certain foods, obsessed a bit, then God showed another way: God told me to chill about the sandwiches and the guacamole.

In Matthew 25 Jesus calls his followers away from focusing too much on day-to-day needs. Jesus says, “therefore do not worry, saying, “What will we eat?” or “What will we drink?” or “What will we wear?” For it is the Gentiles who strive for all these things; and indeed your heavenly Parent knows that you need all these things.”

Upon arrival in Arizona, my priorities were awry with my seeking after specific needs rather than putting God at the center. Jesus says, “strive first for the kingdom of God and God’s righteousn­ess, and all these things will be given to you as well.” In seeking first the kingdom of God, a basic trust is developed that God will provide for our needs.

Jesus was also clear that his followers were to work for a world in which everyone has access to enough food, drink, clothing, shelter and the necessitie­s of life. Kingdom living (or kin-dom living as it may also be rendered) is living in the belief that there is plenty for everyone. The abundance may not be as we have envisioned and yet we are called to ensure that it is available for everyone.

God laughed at my plans and provided me with something much better than what I had outlined. I ended up being blessed extravagan­tly by God in multiple worship services, I had wonderful time with my parents and learned what improvemen­ts I needed to make on baked chicken.

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The Rev. Elizabeth Goudy
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