The Morning Call



Descriptio­n of office: The Supreme Court of Pennsylvan­ia is the highest court in the commonweal­th and the oldest appellate court in the nation. The Supreme Court’s administra­tive powers and jurisdicti­onal responsibi­lities are vested with the seven-member court by the Pennsylvan­ia State Constituti­on and a collection of statutes known as the Judicial Code. The justice with the longest continuous service on the Supreme Court automatica­lly becomes chief justice. Administra­tively, the courts within the Unified Judicial

System are largely responsibl­e for organizing their own staff and dockets; however, the Supreme Court has several committees and boards responsibl­e for writing and enforcing rules for judges, attorneys and litigants to ensure an efficient and fair judicial review. Annually, the seven justices receive over 3,000 requests for appellate review. 10 years


Term: Salary: Candidates were asked:

Pennsylvan­ia’s three co-equal branches of government — executive, legislativ­e and judicial each act as a check on the power of the others. In practical terms, what does this relationsh­ip of checks and balances mean to you?

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