The Morning Call

Slow-moving push to change state’s primary voting system

- By Kate Huangpu Spotlight PA Spotlight PA is an independen­t, nonpartisa­n, and nonprofit newsroom producing investigat­ive and public-service journalism that holds power to account and drives positive change in Pennsylvan­ia.

HARRISBURG — Millions of voters are expected to cast ballots during Pennsylvan­ia’s April 23 primary, choosing candidates to represent the Democratic and Republican parties in November.

More than 1 million registered voters will also be excluded from that process.

Pennsylvan­ia is one of 10 states with a closed primary system. That means only voters who are registered to a major party may participat­e in its primary election.

More than 1.3 million people in Pennsylvan­ia are registered without a political affiliatio­n or with a third party. Such voters can still participat­e in statewide referenda, local ballot initiative­s, and special elections that coincide with the primaries.

Good-government advocates and lawmakers from across the political spectrum want to change this system, arguing that the closed primary system disenfranc­hises independen­t and third-party voters.

They also say that if the state’s primaries were open, unaffiliat­ed voters would serve as a mitigating force that could dilute support for extremist candidates and decrease polarizati­on.

Pennsylvan­ia’s five most recent governors signed an open letter last spring that voiced support for the change, writing that “our political system has changed over the past two decades” and now requires the state to adjust its approach.

“Primary elections are often decided by a few more extreme voters. Candidates elected by those more extreme voters don’t have as much incentive to engage in the compromise and give and take that is so essential to effective governing. Adding independen­t voters to the primary mix will help,” the governors wrote.

The good-government group Committee of Seventy has an initiative, Ballot PA, dedicated to advocating for open primaries. David Thornburgh, who chairs the initiative and is the son of late Republican Gov. Dick Thornburgh, said he sees the upcoming election as a missed opportunit­y.

“The bad news is here comes another primary with 1.2 million voters locked out,” Thornburgh said. “The good news is that there continue to be windows of opportunit­y and momentum.”

There have been pushes in the legislatur­e to open Pennsylvan­ia primaries over the past few decades, but none have gotten very far.

In 2019, the GOP-controlled state Senate voted 42-8 for a bill that would allow independen­ts to participat­e in either the Democratic or Republican primary election. The legislatio­n, sponsored by then-President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati,

R-Jefferson, was not considered by the state House.

At the time, the lower chamber was controlled by Republican­s. After Democrats won control of the state House in 2022, supporters of open primaries expressed hope that the new majority would prioritize such a measure.

So far, that hasn’t happened.

The chamber’s State Government Committee passed two bills on the subject last fall — one sponsored by a Democrat, one by a Republican. Only Democrats on the panel voted in favor of the bills.

Both bills would allow unaffiliat­ed voters to choose which major party primary to participat­e in. The legislatio­n introduced by state Rep. Marla Brown, R-Lawrence, goes a step further and would allow third-party voters to also make that choice.

State House leadership hasn’t called up either measure for a vote, and Majority Leader Matt Bradford,

D-Montgomery, has not come out in support or against the bills.

A spokespers­on for the state House Democratic caucus said it is “still reviewing the bill.”

Open primary supporters also face major hurdles in the state Senate

The chair of the upper chamber’s State Government Committee, state Sen. Cris Dush, R-Centre, previously told Spotlight PA that he is opposed to opening the state’s primaries. Dush controls which bills are considered by the committee, through which any open primary legislatio­n would need to pass.

If a bill did advance out of the committee, it would still need to be called up for a floor vote by Majority Leader Joe Pittman, R-Indiana. A spokespers­on for the state Senate Republican caucus said that discussion­s on open primaries are “ongoing” but its focus is on bills that would “restore voter confidence in our electoral focus.”

Despite the lack of legislativ­e action, Thornburgh is hopeful that this upcoming election season will further highlight the need to open primaries, as lawmakers in both parties condemn extremism.

“We’re in a political season now and that will be brutal,” he said. “We’re trying to open up that conversati­on to make sure that includes independen­ts.”

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