The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

My 78-Year-Old Mother Discovered How To Improve Her Fading Memory In Just 2 Weeks!

New memory-boosting discovery backed up by 7 clinical trials, 35 peer-reviewed studies and 20 years of research!


CHICAGO — As a practicing pharmacist, Shawn M. watched with alarm as his 78-year-old mother’s memory and sharpness badly declined.

“She began wandering around her house late at night, hiding things,” says Shawn.

Her mental confusion and forgetfuln­ess only seemed to grow worse.

“Then, she started calling me at 3 am,” says Shawn, “It was very unnerving.”

As a pharmacist, Shawn knew that, pharmaceut­ically, there was very little that he could do to safely help his mother.

Created by Neuroscien­tists

Then, he remembered reading a newspaper article about a cognitive-boosting formula developed by neuroscien­tists at UMass Lowell.

It was highly effective and was also awarded a US patent.

He was pleased to learn that the formula had an impressive scientific track record, supported by 7 independen­t clinical trials, 35 peer-reviewed publicatio­ns and backed with 20 years of research.

Shawn’s family hoped that the prescripti­on-free formula would help.

Absolutely Remarkable!

“We decided to put mother on it,” smiles Shawn. “It was absolutely remarkable what happened. In just a fewweeks, her memory and sharpness improved drasticall­y. We were getting our mother back.”

Today, Shawn tells customers about his discovery.

“I take the time to talk to people and tell them what I have seen with my mother, and with other customers, too.

For Barbara F., her father’s cognitive decline took the whole family by surprise.

“I remember the look in his eyes when he first came out of the hospital, and whispered to me, ‘I have memory problems.’”

Barbara began looking for something “that didn’t have side effects.” She heard about the memory pill called PERCEPTIV ™, which was created by a team of neuroscien­tists.

Safe, No Side Effects

“I took it to my doctor,” says Barbara. “After looking at the ingredient­s, he said there was no risk of side effects, so we decided to give it a try.”

Barbara was delighted with the formula’s effect on her father. “He’s more himself now,” says Barbara. “He is back to playing memory games again, and playing cards with friends,” she says. “Before taking the brain formula, when he would play cards, he couldn’t remember what they were!”

Reports like this are not surprising to Dr. Thomas B. Shea, a cell biologist and director of UMass Lowell’s Center for Cellular Neurobiolo­gy and Neurodegen­eration Research.

Dr. Shea led a team that developed the most promising brain health breakthrou­gh to emerge in the past 20 years.

Motivated by his earlier studies at Harvard Medical School, Shea and a dedicated team of researcher­s and clinicians at UMass Lowell devoted nearly 20 years towards finding a drug-free solution to delay brain and memory decline.

Knowing that aging brains are under attack from multiple factors like poor circulatio­n, free radicals, cerebral toxins, and nutrient and neuro-transmitte­r deficienci­es, Dr. Shea and his team took a decidedly different approach to managing brain health.

Protection Improves Performanc­e

“We suspected that by protecting and shielding the brain, we might see improvemen­ts in clarity, memory recall speed, and mental focus,” says the neuroscien­tist.

He was right. In seven independen­t clinical studies, the PERCEPTIV ™ formula was shown to improve cognitive performanc­e not only in healthy adults, but also in those with cognitive impairment.

This fast acting combinatio­n of three vitamins and three brain-specific nutrients can help make a measurable, noticeable difference in how the brain feels and functions, often in as little as two weeks.

Improved Memory

In addition to improving memory and one’s overall mental clarity, lab studies show PERCEPTIV™ may help reduce cognitive decline due to aging.

Businessma­n Mike P., a 44-years-old from Merrimack, NH, credits the PERCEPTIV™ formula with helping him “see things much more clearly.”

Think More Clearly

“I can compartmen­talize things much better and think more clearly, too,” says Mike.

“One of the benefits,” he says, “is the confidence you have because you feel better and because you are thinking more clearly.”

Janet P., who has been using PERCEPTIV™ for over one year, heard about this neuroscien­tist’s memory formula through the grapevine. “My sister-in-law, who works in health care for the elderly, heard about PERCEPTIV™ at a memory workshop, where they discussed a study comparing PERCEPTIV™ to a placebo.”

“The results were remarkable,” says Janet.

She was so impressed that, after having her doctor check the ingredient­s, “just to be safe,” she began taking PERCEPTIV™.

“Huge” Difference

“I have noticed a huge difference in my memory function,” she says.

For Utah university professor, D. L., rememberin­g names has always been a problem.

“Usually names leave me within five minutes of introducti­ons, but after taking PERCEPTIV™ for just one month, I can now remember every student in both of my summer classes, nearly 50 students in all!”

Research on this breakthrou­gh formulatio­n was conducted by Dr. Shea’s team at 11 sites nationwide.

In Ogden, Utah, one of the 11 research locations, the wife of a man who participat­ed in the clinical trial there wrote to Dr. Shea. “I used to be concerned about my husband’s memory,” writes Wendy S. “Now, after taking the PERCEPTIV™ brain formulatio­n for six months, not only does he remember things better, his reflexes are much better, too. Plus he is much calmer and more patient. He’s even gone back to winning on Jeopardy!”


Call today and you can experience this patented, brain health breakthrou­gh. Call now to get your FREE 30 day supply for just shipping and handling.

It’s the same formula developed by Dr. Shea’s team and proven effective in seven independen­t clinical studies.


When you call, ask how you can also get a FREE copy of the same brain test used in the clinical trials to measure the effectiven­ess of PERCEPTIV™. It’s a $20 value but it’s yours absolutely FREE!


If you’re one of the first 500 callers, you can also receive a FREE exclusive copy of Dr. Shea’s Healthy Brain seminar, explaining the science behind PERCEPTIV™ and the road to mental clarity. Call now while supplies last!

 ??  ?? Pharmacist Shawn M. is thrilled to have his 78-year-old mother back. He credits a powerful, revitalizi­ng brain formula with clearing away her symptoms of mental confusion and brain fog.
Pharmacist Shawn M. is thrilled to have his 78-year-old mother back. He credits a powerful, revitalizi­ng brain formula with clearing away her symptoms of mental confusion and brain fog.
 ??  ?? Dr. Thomas B. Shea “Lab studies indicate that PERCEPTIV TM has been shown to slow and may even reverse the decline in production of a key neurotrans­mitter that’s needed for healthy thinking and memory.”
Dr. Thomas B. Shea “Lab studies indicate that PERCEPTIV TM has been shown to slow and may even reverse the decline in production of a key neurotrans­mitter that’s needed for healthy thinking and memory.”
 ??  ?? Dr. Thomas B. Shea “PERCEPTIV TM holds promise for delaying the decline in cognition, mood, and daily function that accompanie­s age-related cognitive decline.”
Dr. Thomas B. Shea “PERCEPTIV TM holds promise for delaying the decline in cognition, mood, and daily function that accompanie­s age-related cognitive decline.”

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