The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Xxxx U.S.-led airstrikes produce few gains


- Vivian Salama

BAGHDAD (AP) — After two months, the U.S.-led aerial campaign in Iraq has hardly dented the core of the Islamic State group’s territory. The extremist fighters have melted into urban areas when needed to elude the threat, and they have even succeeded in taking new territory from an Iraqi army that still buckles in the face of militants.

In neighborin­g Syria, days of airstrikes have been unable to stop militants on the verge of capturing a strategic town on the Turkish border.

The limited results show the central weakness of the campaign: There is only so much that can be done from the air to defeat an extremist force that has swept over much of Iraq and Syria. The Islamic State fighters have proven elusive and flexible, able to reorganize to minimize the blows. And more importantl­y, there are almost no allied forces on the ground able to capitalize on the airstrikes and wrest back territory from the militants.

The exception: Iraqi Kurdish fighters, the most effective forces in Iraq, have made some modest gains the past week.

That only highlights how others have proven unable to do the same. U.S. officials have warned repeatedly that the campaign will be long — even years. Progress in the North

Most of the success for the air campaign has been in rural, open areas of northern Iraq. Last week, airstrikes paved the way for the Iraqi Kurdish fighters known as peshmerga to plow into a string of towns held by the extremists near the Syrian border: Mahmoudiya­h, Rabia and Zumar. The Kurdish offensive is aiming for the town of Sinjar, and if they capture it, the Kurds would secure a main road in and out of Syria that is a militant supply line.

The early airstrikes also halted the extremists’ advance toward the Kurdish capital of Irbil and broke the Islamic State group’s grip on the strategic Mosul Dam, enabling peshmerga and Iraqi troops to recapture it. Strikes were also instrument­al in breaking a siege of the northern town of Amirli, which the militants had surrounded.

But the warplanes have largely avoided Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city and the Islamic State group’s biggest stronghold, or the nearby town of Tal Afar, apparently to avoid civilian casualties that would boost support for the group among the region’s Sunnis. That has left the extremists a virtual free hand there, which is unlikely to change anytime soon. Mosul as a watershed moment

Iraqis often describe the battle against the Islamic State group in terms of before and after Mosul, alluding to the watershed moment when the Iraqi military collapsed in the face of the extremists’ takeover of the city in June.

Many point to poor training and the leadership crisis within the military as a major source of its disintegra­tion. Former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who begrudging­ly relinquish­ed power last month, inflamed sectarian tensions within Iraq’s military, dismissing many qualified senior Sunni officers and replacing them with lessqualif­ied Shiite officers loyal to him.

After Mosul fell, al-Maliki called upon volunteers to reinforce the humiliated military, and many Shiite militias quickly reported for duty. But with different leaders and divided loyalties among the militias, they were impossible to control.

Kurdish peshmerga have fared much better. They seized parts of the north the Kurds long coveted, claiming they were doing so to protect them from the militants. They have fought well, despite a lack of training and old weapons, mainly because they are far more unified and share a common goal — setting up an independen­t Kurdish state. Setbacks in Syria

Coalition warplanes appear to have been unable to turn the tide in Syrian city of Kobani, which the militants have besieged for weeks, battling with its Kurdish defenders. Turkey’s president warned Tuesday that Kobani is on the verge of falling.

The strikes around the city appear to have been more limited than, for example, the bombardmen­t in August of Amirli, Iraq. In that case, Iraqi troops and Shiite militiamen were poised to swoop into the city after the strikes. In contrast, Kobani’s Syrian Kurd defenders are poorly armed and are hampered by longtime tensions with neighborin­g Turkey, which resents the fighters’ ties to Kurdish separatist­s in Turkey.

The airstrikes in Syria have largely targeted the Islamic State group’s infrastruc­ture across the broad northern and eastern regions the extremists hold. Warplanes have hit checkpoint­s, tanks, training camps and even one of the group’s main headquarte­rs in its de facto capital of Raqqa. But activists say Islamic State fighters left many of the bases before the strikes began, and the U.S. and its partners hit empty facilities. Heavy weapons were moved into protected areas. Winning hearts and minds

Any lasting solution must be rooted in a genuine effort to win support among Syrians and Iraqis — particular­ly Sunnis.

Iraq’s new government, led by Prime Minister Haider alAbadi, immediatel­y urged the army to stop shelling populated areas where civilians may be caught in the crossfire. The government also is looking to establish a national guard driven by local leadership and recruitmen­t to include more Sunnis.

Winning over the Sunni tribes is an essential part of the solution.

But there are many Sunni tribes that haven’t been won over.

They are looking for signs al-Abadi will bring more Sunnis into positions of power and address their feelings of disenfranc­hisement.

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