The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Presidenti­al blame


Forbes reported on Sept 5, 2014 President Obama outperform­s Reagan on Jobs, Growth and Investing Let’s sue the President Three hundred and twenty one thousand jobs were added to the economy this past month, the most since 1999 according to the U S Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Let’s sue the President! The U S Treasury reports the federal budget deficit is now $483 billion, a reduction of $817 billion since 2011 and is predicted to fall even more in 2015 Let’s sue the President! Forbes reports the Obama administra­tion has spent less than any administra­tion since the end of the Korean War and continues to do so Let’s sue the President! The worst recession since the great depression is at an end according to Bloomberg Business Week Let’s sue the President! The stock market has registered all time highs this year according to Reuters down jones reports Let’s sue the President! An agreement on reducing carbons has been reached with China according to the New York Times Let’s sue the President! Gas prices have been leveling off Let’s sue the President! There are now 21,391 border patrol officers on duty, twice as many as in 2004 according to Politifact Let’s sue the President! For just the third time our history no U S ground troops are engaged in convention­al warfare according to the N Y Public Library

Let’s not only sue the president, let’s impeach him! James J. Vargo North Ridgeville

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