The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

House Republican­s ask: Can anyone lead us?

- Erica Werner

WASHINGTON — The job of leading House Republican­s may have gone from difficult to impossible.

After two tumultuous weeks that saw the current speaker announce his resignatio­n and his heir apparent abruptly pull out of the running, House Republican­s are in disarray as they confront a leadership vacuum. And the only person widely deemed fit to fill it is a lawmaker who says he doesn’t want to, Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee and the party’s 2012 vice presidenti­al nominee.

Even as they plead with Ryan to reconsider, Republican­s are left asking themselves whether anyone can lead them. And even if Ryan does yield to their entreaties, some question whether even he could tame a House GOP that seems fractured beyond repair, with a “hell no” caucus ready to risk crises and government shutdowns to achieve its goals and establishm­ent-minded lawmakers seemingly powerless to do anything about it.

“It is bad,” said Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y. “We cannot allow 35 or 40 people to hijack the party and blackmail the Congress. We have to get things done.”

On Friday, lawmakers left Washington in confusion and discord to head home to their districts for a weeklong recess. Ryan returned to Janesville, Wisconsin, to his wife and young family to turn over his options, with leading Republican­s inside Congress and out urging him to step up for the good of the party.

Before the House adjourned, outgoing Speaker John Boehner of Ohio, who’d intended to leave Congress Oct. 30, assured lawmakers he would stay on until a replacemen­t can be selected. When that will happen is uncertain, but Boehner urged Republican­s to find a way out of their turmoil together.

“This institutio­n cannot grind to a halt,” he said at a closed-door meeting according to an account provided by someone in the room. “It’s up to the people in this room to listen to each other, come together and figure this out. Time for us to take the walls down, open up our ears and listen to each other.”

Yet by announcing he would resign rather than face a tea party-backed floor vote to depose him, Boehner conceded that the fight to lead the House was one he could not win. And within days of his announceme­nt, the same bloc of compromise-averse hardliners who’d pushed him out derailed his No. 2, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy. McCarthy withdrew from the speaker’s race at the last possible moment on Thursday, as it became clear he would struggle for the needed majority on the House floor.

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