The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

You’re coming into one of the best times of your life

- Catherine Galasso

After attending a business meeting in the city, I was traveling north on Route 1 toward a small shoreline town. I was driving a loaner car as my vehicle was in for service. Driving slowly along the rural street, lush green trees and wild pink azaleas rimmed the road. Pristine landscapes and lovely country homes stretched far into the distance.

And then, from nowhere I heard a loud, popping, cracking sound. A large rock, most likely thrown off by another vehicle, hit the front windshield of my loaner car. The rock, about the size of a ping pong ball, made a hole in the windshield with several 1-1/2-inch long cracks radiating from it.

Shaken up, I pulled the car into a nearby parking lot. I sat in silent disbelief for a few moments. Then, I stepped out of the car to inspect the damage. Shaking my head in uncertaint­y, I muttered to myself, “This car is so delicate. Maybe it had been poorly manufactur­ed.” Stunned, I thought, “Certainly, this type of vehicle is not made properly, as the rock caused the windshield to crack so severely.” Despite all those thoughts, I gathered myself and drove to my house.

The next day, I met my friend, Ann, for lunch at a local restaurant. After we ate, Ann and I walked to the restaurant’s parking lot and I showed her the cracked windshield. Ann looked at the damaged windshield and exclaimed, “This car is very well-made!”

Before she could finish her statement, I questioned, “Well-made? What?” Quickly, Ann replied confidentl­y, “That’s right. If it had been a different make of car, most likely the entire windshield would have shattered.”

Her comment struck home. My wise friend was right. That shift in perspectiv­e really made me see things more clearly and positively. And changing my outlook had a powerful effect on my frame of mind.

When was the last time you changed your perspectiv­e? How did it alter you? Sometimes, we may just need to change our outlook.

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Wayne Dyer.

Your peace, happiness and success are linked to what you think. So today, lift your eyes and view your challenges in a different light.

See further than what’s in front of you.

Think beyond where you are now.

And look ahead to new blessings and better possibilit­ies yet to be.

Retired American profession­al basketball player, Michael Jordan, said he missed more than 9,000 shots in his career. Jordan lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, he had been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.

At times, it can be easy to stay focused on troubles and then fall into a sinkhole of despair. One unconstruc­tive thought can lead to another and then another. If we view our challenges as ‘can’t be overcome,’ or ‘without a solution,’ then possibly our own wrong perspectiv­e or negative mindsets can prevent us from moving forward and living our best lives.

But instead of building stories in his mind of his failures until they spun out of control, and made him so discourage­d that he quit, Michael Jordan looked at his situation from a different standpoint. He believed his perseveran­ce would lead him to success. Jordon kept the right perspectiv­e, persevered and never gave up on himself. Today, Michael Jordan is widely considered the greatest basketball player of all time. So adjust your outlook and view your situation through a different perspectiv­e.

No matter what you may be going through right now, your circumstan­ces are not as impossible as they appear to be. They’re temporary and subject to change.

Instead of worrying about the burden you’ve been carrying, change your outlook. Be patient and maintain a sense of calm. And, suddenly, things will fall into place. Therefore, “Forget what happened before, and do not think about the past. Look to the new thing that God is going to do. It’s already happening, for you will soon see it.” (Isaiah 43:18,19).

Rather than constantly thinking how you were unjustly hurt, change your outlook. For God is going to use the challenges you’ve faced as stepping stones to take you higher, further, and faster. So, pray, take the high road. Walk by faith, as, “All things will work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28).

As opposed to allowing yourself to believe that it’s too late to achieve your heartfelt aspiration­s, change your outlook. There is no limit as to what you can still accomplish. Thus, don’t give up, keep trying, and declare, “I am able to do all things through Him who strengthen­s me.” (Philippian­s 4:13).

In place of being bitter over missed opportunit­ies, change your outlook. God has something amazing in front of you. Soon, a new opportunit­y can come across your path that will bless you and your family. For, “God will restore the years that the locust has eaten.” (Joel 2:25).

Don’t allow doubts or disappoint­ments to cast a shadow over your future. Stop thinking about yesterday’s regrets and mistakes. Change your outlook. Silence the negative voices and turn in the direction of the positive voice that says, “God is with me,” “I will prevail,” and “God’s plan for me is for good.” Then, dare to go forth and utter, “All glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” (Ephesians 3:20).

Continue this line of thought. Reflect on gratitude. Switch every negative thought or statement to an optimistic point of view. Focus on the positive aspects of your life and the wonderful things you are looking forward to welcoming into your future. Often, a shift in perspectiv­e is all that is needed to make the changes you seek.

Be encouraged, for you’re coming into one of the best times of your life. Starting right now, watch for big and small miracles. Scripture says in Isaiah 26:3 that the Lord will “keep you in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed upon Him because he trusts in Him.”

So trust God, and allow Him to transform your life. He will do it. It will happen, and you’ll be happier than you have ever been before.

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