The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Election reflection­s


Many syndicated columnists and opinion letter writers still seem shocked that Donald Trump won the presidency and are bewildered as to why.

A big factor in his victory was then-President Obama, Democratic presidenti­al nominee Hillary Clinton, and the columnists. Even if conservati­ves voted for black people, but didn’t vote for Obama, many liberals in the media used a broad brush and “painted” us as “racists.”

The perspectiv­e seemed to be that Obama was, without doubt, far superior to the white candidates on policy matters and the only possible reason to vote (in 2008 and 2012) for one of his white opponents was racism.

Of course, they don’t claim that blacks are racists for not voting for a white candidate. To them, it is apparently perfectly logical for racism to only exist in one direction.

Similarly with Hillary, if a person voted for a women like Sarah Palin, we were demonized.

And if we voted for women on a local or state level, but didn’t vote for Hillary, we were still characteri­zed as “misogynist­s.”

Remember Hillary’s “basket of deplorable­s.”

Similarly, when Americans are genuinely concerned about terrorists sneaking into America alongside refugees from countries that have state-sponsored terrorists and poor documentat­ion, then we are labelled “xenophobic” by columnists such as Eugene Robinson.

So the liberals basically ignored hard-working blue collar workers in the small towns and rural areas for eight years of Obama’s presidency, wreaked havoc with the health care of many Americans, demonized conservati­ves, and then they wrote articles in the paper wondering why Hillary lost the election.

Sometimes facts are stranger than fiction.

I hope liberals will think more highly of conservati­ves than Hillary and the Democratic National Committee.

And I hope that conservati­ves will treat people with more respect and kindness than Trump does. Rick Lalonde Amherst

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