The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Receive God’s mercy for you are forgiven

- Catherine Galasso Vigorito

“As far as the east is from the west, so far has

He removed our transgress­ions from us.” (Psalm 103:12)

A great ray of light was breaking forth through the cloud-ridden sky, as a woman stood at the water’s edge at the beach and watched the waves move forward and then draw away. Discourage­d and dishearten­ed, and filled with grief, she worried continuall­y about mistakes of the past. With a heaviness in her heart, feeling sad, regretful and guilty, she replayed her so-called faults and missteps over and over in her mind.

Then, a wind current shifted. The tide began to change, and soon, a large wave advanced at her with force. And as it surged, it sprayed onto the woman the cool mist of the ocean’s water.

The woman gazed at the drops of water that landed on her arms. While she looked at the tiny droplets, suddenly, she felt God say to her in her heart, “See those droplets of water on your arm…” and, “see the vast ocean…”

Speechless for a second, the woman answered, “Yes, God, I see them both.” Next, God said, “Those tiny drops are your sins, and the ocean is My mercy.”

With her spirit lifted, she heard God request, “Now throw those drops of water back into the vast ocean.” Obeying, the woman tried to flick the droplets back into the water.

“Now,” God tenderly asked, “If you looked for those droplets in the ocean, would you find them?” In clarity, the woman understood. She shook her head from side to side and replied, “No, dear God. I could not find them.”

Once again, God spoke to her heart, “The past is gone, dear one… you have been forgiven. Those mistakes, setbacks and seemingly failures are tiny drops in the vast ocean of My mercy.”

From that moment on, the woman had a brandnew outlook. She became grateful for everything and thanked God for His grace and mercy. And, thus, her life was renewed and restored.

At the beach that day, God whispered to the woman and invited her to receive a new beginning. And God is saying the same thing to you today. Receive God’s mercy… for you have already been forgiven.

You may have suffered, endured hardships, and had difficulti­es to handle. But despite how many setbacks you have had or unfair treatment you experience­d; do not be restricted by the past. It is over and done. Don’t wallow in selfpity. What does beating yourself up and dredging up emotional, painful experience­s do? Hence, discontinu­e putting yourself down because of conditions that happened longago that were most likely out of your control. You have too much ability, talent and strengths to waste any more of your precious time on negativity. For if you focus on and magnify the pains of the past, they can become worse and your perspectiv­e may become distorted. Harboring resentment or having regrets is like hanging on to a virus. You are the only one who feels it, and the other party involved might not even know about it or even still care.

So push through the wall of doubt and fear and let those worries of defeat drop off of you. In their place, pray, and ask God to heal your heart. Trust God to make the wrongs up to you, as He is not limited by your circumstan­ces. God is a God of another chance. Therefore, press on to what is ahead and take hold of the new future that is in store.

No matter what struggles you have faced or are facing, embrace God’s promises.

Has someone hurt you? Let it go, God will pay you back double for any calamity.

“For your shame ye shall have double; and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess the double: everlastin­g joy shall be unto them.” (Isaiah 61:17).

Are you fearful or worried? Don’t let fear keep you from going forward. Remember, “No weapon formed against thee shall prosper.” (Isaiah 54:17).

Do you feel alone? God is with you. He loves you with an everlastin­g love and declares, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5).

Did a dream not work out the way you planned? Keep trying. God has something better for you up ahead. “He shall direct thy path.” (Proverbs 3:6).

Do you have trials? Be courageous. Stand strong. God is bigger than any troubles. “In the world you have tribulatio­n, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).

A while back, a couple I’m acquainted with unknowingl­y got involved with someone in business, and this person really deceived them. This honest, hard-working team had to endure years of frustratio­n and pain, losing money and valuable time, because of one person’s dishonesty and deceit.

When you encounter people or circumstan­ces that cause you pain, you face two choices: One, you can either aggravate the situation with a spirit of revenge or bitterness, or you can smooth your life with the oil of forgivenes­s and trust in God.

The wife told me how she got down on her knees one evening and prayed, “Lord, I have done all I can, I release this situation to you.” Then, she implored, “You have seen our hurts and every time we have been mistreated, but I am forgiving that man who has hurt us, and trusting You to work this out according to Your way of wisdom.”

From then on, she released the bitterness she was holding in her heart, and vowed to not strike back in anger at the man who hurt them. Instead, she said she filled her mind with positive, productive and fruitful thoughts and actions. For the less we think about former pains, who hurt us, or the difficulti­es in our pathway, the more we can do constructi­vely to overcome them.

After three years, this woman told how God removed that person from their lives. And subsequent­ly, gave this couple a wonderful, new start. In fact, an opportunit­y came across their path which quickly propelled them ahead.

Today is a new day, a defining moment. What happened long-ago is over. So, with forgivenes­s in your heart, reach forth to the wonderful things which are before you. Lean on God’s grace, allowing His hand to move in your behalf. And you will be, as Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”

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