The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

What we have is a ‘Party of Nothing’


I believe that we finally have a president who is actually trying to accomplish what he campaigned to do.

He is making every effort to get our country back on track and do what’s right for the American people.

The Democrats and the mainstream media have made it clear that they will fight and oppose anything and everything that President Trump does.

Unfortunat­ely, many in the Republican Party are doing the same thing.

By failing to unite and support our president, they are wasting a tremendous opportunit­y to accomplish great things on behalf of the American people.

It is almost impossible to distinguis­h one party from the other.

It appears both parties have one common goal and that is to protect their lucrative political careers and special entitlemen­ts, instead of serving and doing what’s good for the American people.

Instead having a Democrat and Republican Party, we should combine them and have one party called the “Party of Nothing,” for it seems that they accomplish nothing.

When it’s time for the midterm elections, it will be very difficult for me to vote for any politician running for re-election.

I wish there would be a box on the ballot that I could check that says, “Remove them all and start over.”

Then maybe we could get things done and help our president make America great again. John Shoulter Wakeman

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