The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Do everything with love

- Catherine Galasso Vigorito

“My dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable.

Always work enthusiast­ically for the Lord,

for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.

. . . Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous.

Be strong. And do everything with love.”

(1 Corinthian­s 15:58; 16:13–14)

Years ago, at a local hospital a set of twin girls were born 12 weeks premature. Each baby weighed about two pounds. They were gently placed in separate incubators; and although the girls were so tiny, they seemed to be making progress.

Yet, a few weeks later, one of the baby girls began to struggle. It was reported there was little weight gain, and the infant’s oxygen level was low. In critical condition, she had heart-rate problems, the baby fought to gasp for air. The situation was life-threatenin­g. And she was not expected to live.

Suddenly, a nurse had an idea. “The premature twins should be together,” she thought to herself. With the parents’ and the hospital’s permission, the nurse gently lifted the stronger baby and put her in the incubator with the weaker baby. Both girls were lying on their stomachs side by side. Then, the sisters moved closer, and began to snuggle together.

Next, the stronger baby wrapped her little arm around her fragile sister. The loving touch seemed to cause the struggling baby’s heart to stabilize. It was miraculous. Immediatel­y, she calmed right down. Her temperatur­e returned to normal. From the moment her sister hugged her, the weak baby appeared to show dramatic improvemen­t. And little by little, the baby’s condition continued to improve.

The stronger baby was a miracle for her sister.

In time, the two healthy twins went home from the hospital with their family. Today, the two sisters are perfectly healthy and continue to have a close bond.

This amazing example of love shows the profound impact a simple hug can have on a person’s life. Research shows that touch is a powerful communicat­or that can improve a person’s well-being, their self-esteem and emotional developmen­t. Hugs are comforting. The compassion­ate touch of a hand, a friendly, affectiona­te embrace, or a reassuring hug can soothe anxieties and fears. Hugs are healers. When someone wraps their arms around us, all the stress of the day can melt away. And it can ward off sadness, loneliness, and flood us with positive emotions.

You are somebody’s miracle, for God put healing in you. God is counting on you to make a difference in someone’s future. I like the story of the girl who was walking along the seashore one afternoon at low tide. The girl saw hundreds of starfish that the water had carried in, yet left scattered behind on the coastline. So the young girl bent down and picked up a golden brown starfish from the sandy beach. Then, one after the other, she threw them back into the ocean.

A man came jogging along, saw the girl, and asked, “What are you doing?” But the girl kept throwing starfish, one by one, back into the skyblue waters.

After a while, the man jogged by again and said to her mockingly, “Youngster, there are hundreds of starfish here at the beach… you can’t possibly make a difference.” Undaunted, the girl continued on. She picked up another little tan starfish, gently tossed it into the water, and replied, “Sir, I made a difference for that one.”

Your caring acts matter. And your potential for good is boundless. God has put people across your path that need you. Someone today desires your love and encouragem­ent. They need to know you care. People crave your beautiful smile, your kind word, your hand to hold. And as you do, God will place His Hands on your hands, His Arms on your arm, and His light will shine on you, as you make this world a better place.

Hence, make the best possible use of your time, your words and actions, so they may bring blessings to others. Touch is an easy add-in to your day that can have powerful, lasting benefits:

Greet friends and family with a warm embrace.

Share a family group hug daily.

Cuddle with your partner and the children in your life.

Put your arm around a child or sit a toddler on your lap.

Hold hands and show someone special that you care.

Pet your dog or cat regularly Have family mealtime. Clasp hands with those around the table and say ‘grace.’

Congratula­te co-workers on their achievemen­ts with a pat on the back.

Let us help one another, for success is not counted by how high we have climbed, but by how many we have brought with us. And as you reach out and lift up another, you too will be lifted up. For with every act of kindness, a blessing will follow.

Recently, a reader correspond­ed with me and told that his mom, who helped everybody, used to say, “Through God all things are possible.” One day, he was up north at her home, and when he got there someone had carried a very heavy leather recliner outside. Next, the reader explained that he went in the house and asked his mother about it, and she told him that she had done it. “I asked how?” the reader wrote. And his mother hugged him and repeated, “Through God all things are possible!

You are God’s masterpiec­e. God has great things in store for your future. Thus, hug someone along the way. Give, serve, and love others.

Remember, you have something wonderful to offer that nobody else can give. To the world you may be one person, however to one person, you might be the world.

“I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these, my little ones you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40).

Do everything with love. And thank God every day, trusting in the One who loves you so much!

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