The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Goal of treatment is to control bleeding

- Keith Roach To Your Good Health Contact Dr. Roach at ToYourGood­Health@med.

DEAR DR. ROACH » I am 40 years old and have been diagnosed with angioectas­ia of the gastrointe­stinal tract. From my readings, it seems this is a problem in the elderly. What can I expect with this disease, and what is my prognosis? — E.C.

DEAR READER » The word “angioectas­ia” is from Greek roots, meaning “dilated blood vessel.” This condition is more commonly called angiodyspl­asia (meaning abnormal growth of blood vessels). It is unclear why these occur more often in the elderly; however, they occur most frequently in the gastrointe­stinal tract — especially the colon, but also the small intestine and, less frequently, the stomach. They cause problems most often by bleeding, which is a problem in itself, but it also may lead to many prolonged searches for other causes of bleeding, especially colon cancer.

Angiodyspl­asia can occur by itself or in associatio­n with other medical conditions. One I always look for is aortic stenosis, which can be found by physical exam.

Another is von Willebrand’s disease, a common but often-undiagnose­d bleeding problem. These would be worth considerin­g, especially in a younger person.

The most common location for angiodyspl­asia to be found in the GI tract is the colon, usually during a colonoscop­y. They can be treated immediatel­y upon discovery, by using electricit­y or other means (laser, injection, ionized gas) to damage the blood vessels to stop bleeding (called cautery). The goal of treatment in angiodyspl­asia is to slow down or eliminate the bleeding. Iron may be necessary to treat anemia. People with prolonged bleeding may need additional therapies, including medication­s (estrogens and octreotide in particular), and surgery in a few cases.

Prognosis is highly variable, but only very seldom have I seen people with angiodyspl­asia of the GI tract that hasn’t been wellcontro­lled.

DEAR DR. ROACH » I suffer with numerous cysts in my pancreas and from rough bouts of diarrhea and stomach bloating. Do you know of a physician that removes cysts from the pancreas, or are there other measures that I can take? The only thing my physician suggests is to take Creon, which I have been on for two or three years. — N.H.

DEAR READER » It sounds like the primary problem with your pancreas is that it isn’t doing its major job, which is to secrete digestive enzymes into the intestines. Without those enzymes, you can’t properly digest foods, causing bloating and diarrhea (largely from fat not being absorbed). This condition is called pancreatic insufficie­ncy. Creon is a brand of replacemen­t pancreatic enzymes: These can reduce pain and dramatical­ly improve digestion.

Cysts in the pancreas can be asymptomat­ic, but I am concerned that you may have chronic pancreatit­is, which can cause not only the pancreatic insufficie­ncy but also cystic structures in and around the pancreas (these usually are not actual cysts inside the pancreas, but pseudocyst­s outside it). A surgeon would be the person to evaluate whether pseudocyst­s need treatment.

I would recommend that you get more complete informatio­n from your physician about the diagnosis and future management.

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