The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Long-distance runner may be feeling effects of hitting the roads

- Keith Roach To Your Good Health Contact Dr. Roach at ToYourGood­Health@med.

DEAR DR. ROACH » I am 59 years old and in good health. For several years now I have had tingling and a slight numb feeling in mostly the ball of my left foot and sometimes the right. Sometimes it is like the feel of a sock rumpled up in my shoe, which is somewhat uncomforta­ble but not painful. I feel the sensation mostly at night while lying in bed. I am not diabetic. I have worked out all my adult life. I used to run up to 25 miles per week for many years but stopped, as I could sense this was not good for my knees as I got older. For exercise now, I ride my bike and work with weights. I like to take walks and hikes.

Could this be just compressio­n of the nerves over the years, with literally thousands of miles on my feet and bike rides? It has never really worsened. — T.B.

DEAR READER » I found a study looking at 25 longdistan­ce runners (average lifetime distance was 20,000 miles), which found evidence for damage to nerves, but which did not lead to symptoms. I think it’s possible that the exercise alone could have caused your symptoms; however, I would still recommend at least a focused evaluation for other causes of neuropathy. In addition to the diabetes you mention, vitamin B-12 deficiency, Lyme disease and celiac disease are on my short list of conditions to consider in people with peripheral neuropathy, which is a general term used when the nerves don’t work properly and it’s not a function of the brain or spinal column. There are many others.

DEAR DR. ROACH » I have grandchild­ren who are very allergic to cats. Could they develop COPD from being around cats? — Anon.

DEAR READER » The vast majority of cases of chronic obstructiv­e pulmonary disease are caused by tobacco. A much smaller but still substantia­l number of cases are in people with an enzyme defect, alpha-1 antitrypsi­n deficiency, but many people with this get symptoms only when they smoke or are exposed to lung irritants (including occupation­al exposures).

People with cat allergies may develop asthma, an obstructiv­e lung disease that is distinct from COPD, and have worsened symptoms around cats. In that case, the most important treatment is to avoid cats. Cleaning a home of cat allergens is very difficult, and profession­al services can be beneficial.

There is an overlap syndrome of COPD with asthma, but I don’t believe that cat allergy is a likely cause.

The booklet on COPD explains both emphysema and chronic bronchitis, the two elements of COPD, in detail. Readers can obtain a copy by writing: Dr. Roach Book No. 601 628 Virginia Dr. Orlando, FL 32803 Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Can. with the recipient’s printed name and address. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.

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