The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

How is columnist a Conservati­ve?

- Don Race New London

Sara Elizabeth Cupp went to Cornell, has a program on CNN, and is alleged to be “Conservati­ve”? Her column on 11/19 discussing why Trump might not run in 2020 is evidence to the contrary. Although there are some who claim to be Conservati­ve who also hate Donald Trump. They seem to have forgotten what the alternativ­e to him being elected was.

I do wonder sometimes why a man his age, with his beautiful wife, would give up his luxurious home in Trump Tower with winters at Mar-a-Lago, would move to what is relatively a slum in Washington, D.C., subjecting himself and his family to never ending personal attacks.

Of course, his critics, of which there are many, say it is because of his ego or some such selfishnes­s.

The media certainly will never allow that maybe he ran because he sincerely saw a need that his talents could address: what is now our rip roaring economy, job opportunit­ies, finally addressing foreign policy needs, immigratio­n, border security, and all the other things that were ignored by previous administra­tions.

I remember the America of long ago, and Trump has make it great again.

But Cupp accuses President Trump of “subverting the rule of law, distorting the norms of basic human decency and regularly scoffing at the primacy of our founding document, the Constituti­on.”

And that was just for openers.

She continues to support the needs of the attack dog, liberal press with insult after insult until the end of her column.

Honest Conservati­ves like what is happening to our country right now and believe our president is primarily responsibl­e. It certainly has not been Congress, nor will it will probably be Congress in the next two years.

I would not blame Donald Trump for not running in 2020, but I sure hope he does. I certainly don’t wish for the Socialism being proposed by the newly elected liberals in Congress.

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