The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

See each new day as a gift

- Catherine Galasso Vigorito

I recall a story about a farmer, whose property was situated along the Atlantic Coast. And he needed help to work the land.

Continuous­ly, the farmer advertised for farm workers. Far and wide, he searched. But the people who saw the ‘help wanted’ ad were reluctant to take employment in that area. Fear gripped the perspectiv­e employees for dangerous storms often raged across the Atlantic. The unpredicta­ble weather patterns and conditions of those storms would frequently cause devastatio­n on the crops and buildings in that area.

Although the farmer interviewe­d countless applicants, the farmer just couldn’t find anyone who would work in that unstable ground. Thoroughly discourage­d, the farmer was almost ready to give up his search.

Then, the following day, a humble, middleaged man approached the farmer. With good-natured laughter, the man asked the farmer, “Are you still looking for help?” Raising his eyes in disbelief, the farmer turned to the humble man and questioned, “Do you want to work night and day along the Atlantic Coast?”

The man’s eyes glowed, as he commented, “I can sleep when the wind blows.” Impressed with the idea that the humble man wanted the position, yet a bit baffled by his answer, the farmer hired him.

Working from morning to evening, the humble man was happy in his job. Methodical in his work, the farmer was extremely satisfied with his new hire.

Suddenly, one night massive storm clouds began to unleash torrents of rain. The wind howled. And the farmer rushed down the rainswept walkway to the humble man’s sleeping quarters.

The farmer scurried in; and curled up on a sofa, the humble man was resting comfortabl­y.

Panicking, the farmer cried aloud, “The storm! Let’s tie things down before it’s too late, and they blow away!” But, calmly, the humble man whispered, “Sir, remember I told you that I can sleep when the wind blows.”

Enraged, the farmer hurried back outside to prepare for the rest of the massive storm to hit. However, the farmer found that the farm animals were safe in the barn. The chickens were protected in the coop. And everything was out of harm’s way. Tightly secured and already tied down, nothing could blow away in the severe storm.

Finally, it occurred to the farmer what the humble man meant, when he said ‘he can sleep when the wind blows.’ So, the farmer went back to his home. He returned to bed to sleep comfortabl­y while the wind blew.

If the storms of life come against you and when the unexpected wind blows, you, too, can sleep. See each new day as a gift. With God as your shield, you have nothing to fear.

• Is something robbing you of your peace of mind? See each new day as a gift. God is not limited by your situation. He’s all-powerful and greater than anything that comes against you. So, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understand­ing. In all your ways acknowledg­e Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5,6).

• Have you experience­d an unfair circumstan­ce through no fault of your own? See each new day as a gift. God will not only make it up to you, He will cause all things to work to your benefit and give you double in return. “Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritanc­e. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlastin­g joy will be yours.” (Isaiah 61:7).

• Do you have a dream in your heart that has not yet happened? See each new day as a gift. God is guiding you and reposition­ing you as you enter into a new place of blessings. Hence, “Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.” (Psalm 37:5).

God has so many ways to bless you, to help you and to heal you. Thus, don’t allow your mind to become weighed down with anxiety. You could be a few days away from your breakthrou­ghs.

When you awaken, remind yourself that God is with you. He is in your midst, and He won’t forsake you. If you are tempted to worry about a situation, pray as if every one of your prayers has been answered, recalling the Scripture, “Ask and ye shall receive.” (John 16:24) For the instant you pray, the good for which you yearn, like a river’s current, will start flowing on its way toward you. Later and all through the day, say with confidence, “God is by my side,” “It’s not too late for me to fulfill my dreams,” “With God, I have the strength for any task,” and “Thank you, God, for the many opportunit­ies you have for me.” Then, move forward, helping others and giving your best effort in all that you do. For in God’s time, in His mighty way, He will work out good in your life, and “will perfect what concerns you,” bringing you the desired results. (Psalm 138:8).

A while ago, I was in another city for a trade show for my product line. I walked over to the reception desk in the large building, and the security guard politely asked for my name. I told him and handed the guard my business card. Next, he looked down at his guest list and saw my name. Only then, was I allowed to go onto the elevator up to the show, because my name was written down on the list.

In the same way, your name is “engraved on the palm of God’s Hand,” (Isaiah 49:16) and that image cannot be wiped off or removed. It stands written there forever. So you can sleep when the wind blows through your life, because God knows your name and He looks on you with love. With Him, you have a solid foundation behind you and an incredible future before you.

Today, allow serenity to rule in your heart. Be settled and stay in a place of peace.

Leave the future in God’s capable Hands. And you’ll live the purposeful, joyful, peaceful life that God has planned for you.

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