The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Alzheimer’s research takes twists and turns

- By Lauran Neergaard

Researcher­s say brains of Alzheimer’s patients rarely only have classic symptoms, so medicine needs vary.

WASHINGTON >> When researcher­s at the University of Kentucky compare brains donated from people who died with dementia, very rarely do they find one that bears only Alzheimer’s trademark plaques and tangles — no other damage.

If they do, “we call it a unicorn,” said Donna Wilcock, an Alzheimer’s specialist at the university’s aging center. Contrary to popular perception, “there are a lot of changes that happen in the aging brain that lead to dementia in addition to plaques and tangles.”

That hard-won lesson helps explain how scientists are rethinking Alzheimer’s.

For years researcher­s have been guided by one leading theory — that getting rid of a buildup of a sticky protein called amyloid would ease the mind-robbing disease. Yet drug after drug has failed. They might clear out the gunk, but they’re not stopping Alzheimer’s inevitable worsening.

The new mantra: diversify. With more money — the government had a record $2.4 billion to spend on Alzheimer’s research this year — the focus has shifted to exploring multiple novel ways of attacking a disease now considered too complex for a one-size-fits-all solution. On the list, researcher­s are targeting the brain’s specialize­d immune system, fighting inflammati­on, even asking if simmering infections play a role.

Some even are looking beyond drugs, testing if electrical zaps in the brain, along a corridor of neural connection­s, might activate it in ways that slow Alzheimer’s damage. Tuesday, doctors at Barrow Neurologic­al Institute in Phoenix announced they had implanted a pacemaker-like “deep brain stimulatio­n” device into the first of more than 200 patients for an internatio­nal study .

Most of the fresh starts for drugs are in the earliest research stages. It’s far from clear that any will pan out, but “the field is now much more open-minded than it ever was to alternativ­e ideas,” Wilcock said.

Breaking the plaque and tangle link

No one knows what causes Alzheimer’s but amyloid deposits were an obvious first suspect, easy to spot when examining brain tissue. But it turns out that gunk starts silently building up 20 years before any memory loss, and by itself it’s not enough to cause degenerati­on.

Sometime after plaques appear, another protein named tau starts forming tangles inside neurons, heralding cell death and memory loss.

But again, not always: Autopsies show sometimes people die with large amounts of both plaques and tangles, yet escape dementia.

So something else — maybe several other things — also must play a role. One possible culprit: The brain’s unique immune cells, called microglia (my-kroh-GLEE’ah).

No surprise if you’ve never heard of microglia. Neurons are the brain’s rock stars, the nerve cells that work together to transmit informatio­n like memories. Microglia are part of a different family of cells long regarded as the neurons’ support staff. But “it’s becoming clear they’re much more active and play a much more significan­t role,” said Dr. Richard Hodes, director of the National Institute on Aging.

One microglial job is to gobble up toxic proteins and cellular debris. Recently, a mutation in a gene called TREM2 was found to weaken microglia and increase the risk of Alzheimer’s. Dr. David Holtzman at Washington University in St. Louis took a closer look — and says microglia may be key to how the amyloid-tau duo turns toxic.

In donated human brains, his team found more tau tangles clustered around amyloid plaques when people harbored microglia-weakening TREM2 mutations. The researcher­s altered the TREM2 gene in mice and seeded their brains with a little human tau. Sure enough, more tangles formed next to plaques in mice with weak microglia than in those with functional immune cells, they recently reported in Nature Neuroscien­ce.

Why? Normal microglia seem to restrict amyloid plaques, which limits damage to surroundin­g tissue — damage that can make it easier for tau to take hold, he explained.

While it was known that amyloid buildup drives tau tangles, “we never had a good clue as to how it is doing that,” Holtzman said. The new findings “would argue that these cells are sort of a missing link.”

Separately, biotech company Alector Inc. has begun first-step patient testing of a drug designed to boost TREM2 and better activate microglia.

The germ conundrum

Could gum disease or herpes be to blame? The idea that infections earlier in life could set the stage for Alzheimer’s decades later has simmered on the edge of mainstream medicine, but it’s getting new attention. It sounds weird, but both the germ that causes gum disease and different strains of herpes viruses have been found in Alzheimer’s-affected brain tissue.

Researcher­s in New York are testing the herpes drug valacyclov­ir in 130 people with mild Alzheimer’s who have evidence of infection with certain herpes strains.

And Cortexyme Inc. is enrolling more than 500 earlystage patients around the country to test a drug that targets potentiall­y neuron-damaging substances produced by gingivitis bacteria.

Whether the germ theory is a worthwhile pursuit was hotly debated at an internatio­nal Alzheimer’s Associatio­n meeting in July. One skeptic, Dr. Todd Golde of the University of Florida, cautioned that germs’ mere presence doesn’t mean they caused dementia — they could be a consequenc­e of it.

Still, a 2018 study from Taiwan offered a hint that treating herpes infection might lower later dementia risk. And a U.S. study found certain herpes viruses affected the behavior of Alzheimer’s-related genes.

One commonalit­y among emerging theories is how aggressive­ly the brain’s immune system defends itself — and how inflamed it gets.

 ?? MARK CORNELISON — UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY VIA AP ?? Donna Wilcock, of the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, holds a brain in her lab in Lexington, Ky. She says that contrary to popular perception, “there are a lot of changes that happen in the aging brain that lead to dementia in addition to plaques and tangles.”
MARK CORNELISON — UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY VIA AP Donna Wilcock, of the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, holds a brain in her lab in Lexington, Ky. She says that contrary to popular perception, “there are a lot of changes that happen in the aging brain that lead to dementia in addition to plaques and tangles.”

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