The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

It’s official: Party convention­s as we once knew them are over


The party convention­s are over — and I don’t just mean the 2020 convention­s.

In one sense, the convention­s have been over for a very long time. They were created primarily to do two things: pick presidenti­al nominees and craft party platforms. A convention hasn’t actually picked a nominee since 1952, when Democrat Adlai Stevenson won the nomination on the third ballot.

Since then, convention­s have mostly just approved nominees as foregone conclusion­s on the first ballot. Ever since the rise of primaries in the early 1970s, the nominee is literally chosen before the convention. All that’s left is the coronation.

But at least convention­s still crafted party platforms. These are statements of principle and policy, hammered out between different factions within a party, to state clearly (or sometimes murkily) what the party stands for. Historical­ly, platform fights could matter enormously. It was through the negotiatio­n of the platform that a party decided where it came down on issues such as slavery and prohibitio­n.

The other practical benefit? The platform also gave marching orders to the nominee. It was part mission statement, part job descriptio­n. Its overall purpose was to say, “This is what the party expects from you,” because the nominee was selected to do the job the party wanted. Of course, in reality, if the nominee was elected president, he could ignore the platform. Still, the principle that the party and its elected officials were bound to the platform had some juice in it.

That’s gone. In advance of the GOP convention this week, the Republican National Committee announced that, for the first time in the history of either major political party, it wasn’t going to bother writing a new platform. (Technicall­y, the party decided in June to recycle the 2016 platform, outdated cover and all.)

“The RNC enthusiast­ically supports President Trump and continues to reject the policy positions of the Obama-Biden administra­tion, as well as those espoused by the Democratic National Committee today,” the committee declared in a resolution.

Later, a list of soundbite promises with no policy specifics was released to describe President Trump’s second-term agenda. My favorite: “Drain the Globalist Swamp by Taking on Internatio­nal Organizati­ons That Hurt American Citizens.”

Regardless, the point was clear. The party is now the servant of the nominee — in this case, the president. Hence a platform is truly pointless because the party stands for nothing other than whatever the president says it does.

There’s a third role for convention­s — one that would appear to be the most obvious, in a hiding-in-plain-sight sense. Convention­s are meant to CONVENE. It’s in the name. Party members from across the country travel to meet face-to-face to work, negotiate and socialize together for an organizati­on larger than themselves. Again, such work used to include actually picking a nominee, but the primary system and modern communicat­ions destroyed that. Before the invention of the telephone, as historian and political analyst Michael Barone has noted, convention­s were a necessary political technology because one couldn’t negotiate by mail. It was too slow, and power brokers didn’t want to put things on paper anyway.

Long before the pandemic, convention­s had been turning into tightly scripted partisan infomercia­ls for the coming election. Make of that what you will, but at least people still convened. They put on their silly hats, they wore their flare, and they had discussion­s and debates in the moments when they weren’t being used as the political equivalent of a studio audience in a ShamWow ad.

That’s gone this year, too. COVID-19 erased even the convention­al part of the convention­s. That made them seem like a break with the past — the first “virtual” convention­s. But the reality is that they’ve been mostly virtual — convention­s in name only — for a long time already. This month’s highly produced nightly videos with staged bits of spontaneit­y (just like the Oscars or Emmys) were the fulfillmen­t of trends long in the making. The parties are paper-tiger marketing firms now, geared to bend their brand to whichever politician happens to win the nomination or hold power for their team.

People will show up for convention­s again, but the GOP’s convention in particular makes it clear that when they do, it will be as props and applause machines only.

Jonah Goldberg is editor-inchief of The Dispatch and the host of The Remnant podcast. His Twitter handle is @ JonahDispa­tch.

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Jonah Goldberg

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