The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Conflict aversion leads to tough breakup

- Contact Amy Dickinson via email at askamy@ amydickins­ Amy Dickinson

DEAR AMY » I broke up with my boyfriend of four years.

Although we love and complement each other well, the relationsh­ip was not progressin­g.

When we started dating, we were on the same page about wanting to get married.

I have two children from a previous marriage. Several times over the last two years I’ve suggested he spend more time with them. He knows this is important to me. However, he is not interested in doing this.

When I asked if he enjoyed the interactio­ns with my children, he said that he didn’t.

Whenever I tried to discuss any future plans, such as moving in together, he said “I don’t want to talk about it.”

He claims that he feels discourage­d about our future because of minor disagreeme­nts we’ve had.

I’ve done everything I can to learn and grow from those moments.

All couples have disagreeme­nts, but he says he doesn’t like any conflict. Whenever I raise an issue, he takes it as a personal insult, which derails any resolution.

I have been patient and understand­ing, but it’s hard to continue in a relationsh­ip with no future.

Am I wrong for breaking off an otherwise good relationsh­ip because of a communicat­ion problem?

— Worried and Wondering

DEAR WORRIED » I do believe you’ve made some mistakes.

For instance: What took you so long to break up with this guy?

You don’t mention how old your children are, but if a future partner doesn’t want to spend any time with your children, it’s game over.

He could be great guy (and your children, not so much), but you and your kids are a package deal.

Furthermor­e, any person headed toward marriage and being a stepparent had better become acquainted with conflict, no matter the age of the children.

Entering a family system requires tact, humor, a generous spirit, and the ability to survive an occasional argument.

Few people enjoy conflict. But mature people (like you) understand that conflict is inevitable — and often leads toward growth.

And (paraphrasi­ng my mother, here): Being in a loving relationsh­ip is not supposed to be quite so much work.

DEAR AMY » My mother-inlaw is a very sweet, kind and generous woman who hosted a large family gathering for 20 people, despite COVID restrictio­ns in her community.

While the (catered) food was being warmed in the oven and on the stovetop, she stuck her finger right into the food in the stovetop pan. She licked her finger clean and then repeated this with casseroles in the oven.

I was hopeful that the heat of the stove and the oven would kill any virus or bacteria with which she contaminat­ed the food.

My question is, what could I have kindly said to help her understand that her actions rendered the food she was serving extremely unappetizi­ng? I wouldn’t want to hurt her feelings, but she doesn’t seem to understand that her behavior is gross and unacceptab­le.

— Lost my Appetite

DEAR LOST » You state (with implied disapprova­l) that your motherin-law defied COVID restrictio­ns and hosted a large indoor gathering.

You chose to attend this gathering.

Post-holiday, COVID seems to be spreading mainly through these indoor family gatherings.

My point is that you put yourself at far greater risk gathering for an indoor meal with 20 other people, than by consuming a casserole after your mother-in-law had poked her finger into it.

As you know, this virus is spread through respiratio­n, not through someone else’s dirty fingers.

It’s like that classic scene from the movie, “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.” The two characters are chased to the edge of a cliff, with no choice but to jump into raging water.

Sundance admits: “I can’t swim!”

Butch says, “Are you crazy? The fall will probably kill ya!”

You should get tested for COVID as soon as possible.

DEAR AMY » Responding to the heartbreak­ing question from “Feeling Lost in Cheyenne,” who had recently been through a miscarriag­e, thank you for sharing your own experience.

I believe it really helps to talk with others who have been through something hard like this.

My local hospital held an in-person support group. Attending meetings helped me so much.

— Grateful

DEAR GRATEFUL » Online support groups are also extremely helpful.

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