The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Operation enduring waste

- Andrew Thornebroo­ke Andrew Thornebroo­ke is executive editor of The Rearguard. He wrote this for InsideSour­

The most terrifying­ly banal consequenc­e of January’s siege on the

U.S. Capitol is likely to be an unquestion­ed increase to an already distended defense budget. Indeed, the Pentagon’s recent announceme­nt that 2,300 National Guard troops will remain in D.C. until May has all but assured such a growth.

Despite agreement between unlikely compatriot­s such as Adam Smith and Mitch McConnell that the troops should go home, Acting Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman went over the Capitol Police Board and petitioned members of Congress directly to extend the deployment. Such a move, she argued, was necessary to combat an increased number of unspecifie­d threats against members of Congress.

The real danger to the nation here is not the apparent specter of conspiracy-laden extremists, however. Nor is it a skyline blighted by razor wire. No, the real danger is line-item justificat­ion.

The extension that Pittman’s request brought about will raise the total cost of the D.C. deployment to over $521 million. It will also ensure that the deployment overlaps with the unveiling of the Biden administra­tion’s first defense budget proposal.

To be sure, no one was expecting great strides from current civilian and military leadership in terms of responsibl­e budgeting. As recently as February, planning seemed to indicate that Biden would at least keep the defense budget level, and certainly would not cut it. Now he is almost certain to accept unwarrante­d increases.

In no uncertain terms, the D.C. deployment can and will be used to justify Pentagon requests for more money in the name of combating domestic terrorism and protecting democracy.

This is not hyperbole. In January, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi convened a task force to review security throughout the capital and make recommenda­tions to “protect our democracy” in the aftermath of the Capitol siege.

That task force, led by retired army general Russel Honoré, recommende­d last week that the Biden administra­tion create a permanent military presence in D.C.

The proposed presence would take the form of a permanent National Guard quick reaction force, placed to assist Capitol Police in any time of crisis.

It may be telling then that as Pentagon press secretary John Kirby was telling The Washington Post no one wanted the deployment to D.C. to become permanent, Pelosi’s task force was saying precisely the opposite. Telling, but not surprising. Buttressin­g an already bulging defense budget is the Democratic Party’s ticket to appearing strong without appearing hawkish, to placating military bloat without rocking the fiscal boat.

Even without establishi­ng the proposed permanent presence in D.C., the five-month occupation of the nation’s capital has created an ample precedent for a larger-than-anticipate­d Pentagon ask. Further, so long as the invisible enemy remains right-wing domestic terrorists, the usual anti-war rhetoric from the Democratic Party’s progressiv­e wing is likely to be muffled.

The U.S. certainly needs a healthy defense budget. But drumming up fear at home is not the path to it. Particular­ly so while the nation is figuring out just how it will pay off the nearly $3 trillion it just spent on stimulus efforts.

Alas, it appears that fear at home is just the ticket this administra­tion needs to ensure its fabled “return to normal.” A pity everyone forgot that the normal they were promised was a runaway defense budget and more than 7,000 American war dead.

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