The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Answer to your prayer is closer than you think


You’ve been praying and praying and haven’t yet seen any results. Perhaps, you are stuck in an unfair situation and you’re asking, “Why.” An opportunit­y, for which you are striving, hasn’t come to pass, and you are praying for an answer. Or, you may have made some mistakes and wrong choices. And now you are looking to God and crying, “Help me.”

But don’t be tempted to doubt, give up on your dreams, or to underestim­ate what God can do in your future. Hold strong, hold fast and keep praying. God is listening, and He has heard your cries. And, God will answer your prayers in one of three ways: Yes. Not yet. I have something better in mind.

The answer to your prayer is closer than you may think. “And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of Him.” (1 John 5:15).

A while back, a minister told a story to his congregati­on. When he had first started at the new church, he was given a pre-owned automobile that he drove to various towns in order to pray for people. “However, the car wouldn’t start without a push,” he described, smiling.

Then, the minister explained how each morning he would ask someone to help him push-start the car. And all through the day, while the minister visited numerous homes, he would keep the car running in their driveways.

Years later, a new preacher came to the area, as the minister was to be sent to a new city. Before he left, the minister handed the new preacher the keys to the automobile and explained his method for starting it. “Daily, you just give the car a push,” the minister grinned with a confident expression, as they walked outside and stood next to the car.

The new preacher looked confused. “Hold on a moment,” he said, “I have an idea.” He lifted up the hood of the car, leaned forward underneath, and jiggled some wires. His first attempt failed. A bit confused, the minister didn’t say anything. He just stood there. So, the new preacher tried again. And soon he found a loose cable. The new preacher twisted it. To their surprise, in less than five minutes, the car started.

The power was there all along. It just needed to be connected!

God loves you. He is continuous­ly with you. And, likewise, your connection to Him is always available. Thus, be persistent in your prayers. Pray with boldness. Dare to ask for your heart’s desires. It doesn’t matter what your circumstan­ces look like, there is no limit as to where God can take you. You have so much to offer. For God hasn’t brought you this far on your journey to give up on you now. Soon you will receive your prayer miracle. God will reward your great faith with wonderful blessings.

In the Old Testament:

• Esther prayed for God’s help and mercy, and a nation was delivered. (Esther 9:31).

• Joseph was unfairly treated and spent more than 10 years in a dark dungeon. But it was his unwavering prayers and faithfulne­ss which eventually landed him on the throne, making Joseph governor of all of Egypt. (Genesis 41).

• Daniel prayed while he was in the lion’s den. The mouths of lions were shut, and Daniel was not harmed. (Daniel 6:22).

• Joshua prayed and persisted. He followed God’s instructio­ns circling the walls of Jericho seven times. And eventually, the walls came crumbling down. (Joshua 6:15-17).

• Hezekiah prayed, and his life was extended. (2 Kings 20).

Say prayers of thankfulne­ss. Express gratitude to God for what is good and right in your life, for a grateful heart can alter everything. Pray for your family, your friends; and through prayer, intervene for those in need, making your life and the lives of others better.

How many lives will God’s Hand touch through your prayers? Sometimes, all it takes is just one prayer to change everything. Raised by a hardworkin­g, but poor, single mother, young Ben struggled in school, was made fun of by his classmates, and leaned toward having a quick-temper.

However, Ben’s mother prayed for her young son. She taught him to have faith in God and to believe in himself. Her relationsh­ip and dependence on God provided her with wisdom to raise her two boys. “With God anything is possible,” she’d say. Ben’s mother shared with them the values that she considered were needed to succeed in life. And, having only completed third grade herself, she encouraged young Ben and his brother to read books as a method for obtaining knowledge of the world, so they could reach beyond their poverty-stricken, meager conditions.

Trying to overcome his troubled youth in the innercity, Ben was determined to not allow his dire circumstan­ces to weigh him down or to see himself as a victim. As Ben read about people of great achievemen­t, he started to believe that God made him for more. His poverty was only temporary. For challenges do not have to determine your future.

Thus, Ben followed his dreams forward and utilized his God-given gifts and abilities. Ben’s mother’s steadfast prayers, her faith, and perseveran­ce in his education paid off, as Ben excelled in high school. Graduating with honors, he earned a scholarshi­p to Yale University. Next, he enrolled in the School of Medicine at the University of Michigan.

Dr. Ben Carson became the Director of Pediatric Neurosurge­ry at Johns Hopkins Hospital. A world-renowned neurosurge­on serving humanity and saving lives, Dr. Carson holds 67 honorary doctorate degrees. He is a prolific writer and author, having published eight books, including his autobiogra­phy, Gifted Hands. He lives out his praying mother’s motto, “Learn to do your best. God will do the rest.”

You, too, have so much potential. Walk forward in the life that God intends for you. Believe in God’s better, bigger and brighter plans. You’re everything that is good on this earth.

So, continue to pray and always do your best. And…God will do the rest.

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