The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Berlin’s zoo is mourning Ingo the flamingo, who died at age of 75


The Berlin Zoo is mourning Ingo the flamingo, its oldest resident, who died at what is believed to be at least 75 years of age and had lived there since the mid-1950s.

The zoo announced Ingo’s Feb. 3 death at an “imposing” age in social media posts on Wednesday, adding that he was “truly a legend!”

His place of origin is unclear. The zoo said a ring on the bird’s leg with the inscriptio­n “Cairo, 23.6.1948” showed that he was ringed at a young age and was at least 75.

The title of oldest animal at the zoo passed to Fatou, a gorilla whose age the zoo puts at 66.

Ingo had lived at the zoo in what was then West Berlin since the summer of 1955, when he arrived from the Tierpark zoo in the divided city’s communist east. The inscriptio­n on the ring was discovered only a few years ago.

He is believed to have fathered descendant­s, but there are no detailed records on that, German news agency dpa reported.

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