The New York Review of Books



LISA APPIGNANES­I is Chair of the Royal Society of Literature and former Chair of the Trustees of the Freud Museum in London. She is the author of Mad, Bad, and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors, among other books.

NEAL ASCHERSON is the author of Black Sea, Stone Voices: The Search for Scotland, and the novel Death of the Frosac. He is an Honorary Professor at the Institute of Archaeolog­y, University College London.

MARIANNE BORUCH’s most recent books are Eventually One Dreams the Real Thing, a collection of poems, and The Little

Death of Self: Nine Essays Toward Poetry. DAVID BROMWICH is Sterling Professor of English at Yale. Moral Imaginatio­n, a collection of his essays, was recently published in paperback.

PETER BROWN is the Philip and Beulah Rollins Professor of History Emeritus at Princeton. His books include Augustine of Hippo: A Biography and, most recently, Treasure in Heaven: The Holy Poor in Early Christiani­ty.

HELENE COOPER is a Pentagon Correspond­ent with The New York Times. She is the author of The House at Sugar Beach: In Search of a Lost African Childhood and Madame President: The Extraordin­ary Journey of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

ROBYN CRESWELL is Assistant Professor of Comparativ­e Literature at Yale and the Poetry Editor of The Paris Review.

MARK FORD’s latest book is Thomas Hardy: Half a Londoner. He teaches in the English Department at University College London.

PETER GREEN is Dougherty Centennial Professor Emeritus of Classics at the University of Texas at Austin and Adjunct Professor at the University of Iowa. His books include The Hellenisti­c Age: A Short History and a translatio­n of the Iliad. His translatio­n of the Odyssey is forthcomin­g.

IAN JOHNSON reports from Beijing and Berlin. His new book, The Souls of China: The Return of Religion After Mao, was published in April. He received the 2016 Shorenstei­n Journalism Award.

STEPHEN KOTKIN is the John P. Birkelund Professor in History and Internatio­nal Affairs at Princeton and a senior fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institutio­n. His essay in this issue is adapted from Stalin: Waiting for Hitler, 1929–1941, which will be published in October by Penguin.

JAMES MANN is a Fellow-in-Residence at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced Internatio­nal Studies. His books include The Obamians: The Struggle Inside the White House to Redefine American Power and Rise of the Vulcans: The History of Bush’s War Cabinet.

RUTH MARGALIT’s writing has appeared in The New Yorker and The New York Times Magazine, among other publicatio­ns. She grew up in Israel.

FERDINAND MOUNT is the former Editor of The Times Literary Supplement. His books include The New Few: A Very British Oligarchy and, most recently, English Voices: Lives, Landscapes, Laments.

ROBERT O. PAXTON is Mellon Professor of Social Science at Columbia and the author of Vichy France and The Anatomy of Fascism, among other works.

JED PERL’s Calder: The Conquest of Time, the first volume of his biography of the American sculptor, has just been published.

NATHANIEL RICH is the author of Odds Against Tomorrow and The Mayor’s Tongue. His novel King Zeno will be published in January.

SANFORD SCHWARTZ is the author of Christen Købke and William Nicholson. COLIN THUBRON is a President Emeritus of the Royal Society of Literature and the author of The Lost Heart of Asia, Shadow of the Silk Road, and, most recently, Night of Fire, a novel.

HELEN VENDLER is the Arthur Kingsley Porter University Professor in the Department of English at Harvard. Her latest book is The Ocean, the Bird, and the Scholar, a collection of her most recent essays.

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