The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Trump collides with reality

- By Julie Pace The Associated Press Julie Pace has covered the White House and politics for The Associated Press since 2007.

WASHINGTON » Reality is catching up with President Donald Trump.

Hours after Trump dismissed reports that his campaign associates were being scrutinize­d for colluding with Russia as “fake news,” FBI Director James Comey confirmed the investigat­ion is real.

The FBI chief also repeatedly insisted there was no evidence to back up Trump’s explosive claim that his predecesso­r wiretapped his New York skyscraper.

And Adm. Michael Rogers, head of the National Security Agency, knocked down a report about Britain helping President Barack Obama with the alleged surveillan­ce, although the White House had pointed to the report to try to bolster Trump’s case.

Taken together, the disclosure­s in Monday’s lengthy House intelligen­ce committee hearing amounted to an extraordin­ary undercutti­ng of a president, whose headlinegr­abbing accusation­s and Twitter-friendly attacks crumbled quickly under the weight of sworn congressio­nal testimony from some of the nation’s top security officials.

Many of Trump’s most ardent supporters are unlikely to be swayed by Monday’s spectacle. Still, Trump’s credibilit­y and his standing as a reliable ally for his fellow Republican­s in Congress are less assured. Even if his advisers are ultimately cleared in the Russia probe, as the White House insists they will be, the investigat­ion could loom over Trump’s presidency for months or even years, distractin­g from the ambitious domestic agenda he’s vowed to enact.

That reality was abundantly clear Monday. Most cable news channels carried Comey’ and Rogers’ five hours of testimony live instead of the first congressio­nal hearing for Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s widely praised nominee for the Supreme Court.

The Russia hearings came as Trump tried to give a hard sell to Republican­s wary of his health care package, a legislativ­e gamble with long-lasting implicatio­ns for Trump’s relationsh­ip with his own party.

The president’s political position was already shaky heading into the hearing, the first of several public sessions the House and Senate intelligen­ce committees are expected to hold. His approval rating has tumbled to 39 percent, according to a new Gallup poll, down 6 points from a week earlier.

Trump has long been shadowed by questions about his ties to Russia, given his friendly posture toward Moscow and his advisers’ curious web of ties to Russia. The White House insists the campaign did not coordinate with Russia on the hacking of Democratic groups during the election and dismisses the swirling controvers­y as little more than a political witch hunt.

Yet Monday’s hearings left the White House scrambling for cover, though there was little to be found.

Spokesman Sean Spicer launched into a series of confoundin­g arguments during his daily briefing.

He touted statements from lawmakers and former Obama administra­tion officials saying they had seen no evidence of collusion between Trump associates and Russia.

But he dismissed nearly identical statements from some of those same officials about Trump’s wiretappin­g allegation­s, saying it was too early in the investigat­ions to draw any conclusion­s.

In one particular­ly eyebrowrai­sing moment, Spicer resorted to claiming one associate, Paul Manafort, had a “very limited role” in the 2016 election. In fact, Manafort was hired in March as Trump’s convention manager and promoted to campaign chairman in May.

Spicer also described foreign policy adviser Michael Flynn as simply a “volunteer.”

Flynn traveled frequently with the president, delivered a high-profile speech at the Republican National Convention and served as his first national security adviser.

Both Manafort and Flynn were fired by Trump after revelation­s about their connection­s to Russia.

Manafort left the campaign in August, when news reports about his business ties to proMoscow Ukrainian oligarchs became a political liability. Flynn was fired in February for misleading top officials about his contacts with Russia’s ambassador to the United States.

Both Manafort and Flynn are among the Trump associates under scrutiny for possible contacts with Russia during the election.

The Senate intelligen­ce committee has also asked Roger Stone, a longtime Trump adviser, and Carter Page, an investment banker who briefly advised the campaign on foreign policy, to retain documents related to its inquiry.

The White House, with the backing of some Republican lawmakers, says the real controvers­y is how the investigat­ion into Trump’s advisers became public. They argue the focus of the probe should be ferreting out who leaked classified informatio­n.

Trump tried to go on offense in the middle of the hearing, launching a series of tweets from his official White House account, including one that appeared to blame the Obama administra­tion for leaking details of Flynn’s contacts with the Russian envoy. Another tweet incorrectl­y said Comey and Rogers told lawmakers that Russia “did not influence” the electoral process.

In a moment of real-time fact-checking, the FBI director made clear that was not a declaratio­n he had made.

“We don’t have any informatio­n on that subject,” he said.

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