The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Democrats are not the party of science

- Jonah Goldberg The National Review Jonah Goldberg is an editorat-large of National Review Online. Contact him at JonahsColu­

As fate would have it, Hillary Clinton spoke at last month’s Hillary Rodham Clinton Awards for Advancing Women in Peace and Security, where she emphasized the importance of peace, of women and of women in peace.

And she’s right. Including women in the peacemakin­g process is often a valuable way of securing peace in war-torn countries.

But she also got in what was seen as a partisan shot at the Trump administra­tion. At one point she began a sentence by saying, “Studies show ...” and then interrupte­d herself: “Here I go again talking about research, evidence and facts.”

The crowd laughed, cheered and loudly applauded for a while, proving that there’s nothing like working out your best material with a friendly audience. Clinton laughed at her supposedly very funny joke, too.

She also said, “Before anybody jumps to any conclusion­s, I will state clearly: Women are not inherently more peaceful than men. That is a stereotype. That belongs in the alternativ­e reality.”

Again, if you don’t get the joke, the reference to “alternativ­e reality” is apparently a jab at Kellyanne Conway, who once said something silly about “alternativ­e facts.”

But here’s what I think is funny: Clinton’s wrong. She’s the one peddling an alternativ­e reality.

Yeah, there’s a stereotype that women are inherently more peaceful than men — but, as a generaliza­tion (which is what stereotype­s are) it’s true.

This is an evidence-based conclusion backed by a great many studies.

In 2015, according to the FBI, 7,549 men were arrested for murder and non-negligent manslaught­er. Only 984 women were. Men were four times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes and 10 times more likely to be arrested for illegal possession of a weapon.

It’s not just in America. Disproport­ionate male aggression is a human universal, appearing all over the world and across thousands of years.

“In almost every society

Disproport­ionate male aggression is a human universal, appearing all over the world and across thousands of years. men are the ones who are overwhelmi­ngly involved in wars, in all kinds of intergroup aggression­s and intragroup homicide,” writes Dorian Fortuna at Psychology Today. Men “mobilize themselves in armies of violent fans, in criminal gangs, in bands of thugs, etc. These observatio­ns are as old as the world and have allowed us to create a clear distinctio­n between male and female sexes regarding their predisposi­tion to violence.”

The male inclinatio­n for violence has a lot to do with testostero­ne, which is most plentiful in young men who, in their natural habitat, fought other males to impress women.

(You can head down to Fort Lauderdale during Spring Break to document this phenomenon yourself.)

Steven Pinker writes in “The Better Angels of Our Nature,” his sweeping history of violence, that “to the extent that the problem of violence is a problem of young, unmarried, lawless men competing for dominance, whether directly or on behalf of a leader, then violence really is a problem of there being too much testostero­ne in the world.”

Interestin­gly, one of the things that is most likely to make men less violent is getting married, proving that Clinton is right when she says that women have a pacifying effect.

What public policies should flow from all this is a topic for another day.

What’s annoying about Clinton’s cheap partisan preening isn’t simply that she’s wrong (and I suspect she knows it). It’s that she is perpetuati­ng an infuriatin­g tendency of liberals today to claim science is always on their side.

There’s a decidedly undemocrat­ic flavor to this kind of argument.

Patrick Moynihan famously said that everyone is entitled to their own opinions but not to their own facts.

Liberals want to turn that on its head and claim that their opinions are facts and anyone who disagrees isn’t merely voicing a bad opinion but it somehow living in alternativ­e reality or “denying” science. It’s the secular version of claiming that God is on your side.

Clinton is peddling stale, corporate feminism as settled science in part because she’s pandering to a friendly audience, but also because she’s too lazy to shed her own alternate reality.

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