The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Is your feeling just too routine?

- Pat Perry Pat Perry is ERC’s chairman and author of “Re-Shape Re-Define ReImagine.”

Comedian Bill Murray starred in the lead role in the 1993 movie “Groundhog Day.”

If you have not seen the movie, the essence of the storyline is that Bill Murray’s character replays the same day over and over again.

He has multiple chances to change his behavior day after day and finally does — resulting in a traditiona­l Hollywood happy ending.

Along the way, I have met many people who at work, felt like Bill Murray’s character. There is no doubt that sometimes work can feel or become routine.

Yet, like the main character in the Groundhog Day movie, we have an opportunit­y every day to inspire and make a change for ourselves and others.

Some people take advantage of those opportunit­ies, and some do not.

Below are some ideas (in no particular order) that may shake up your routine, making your job and days more enjoyable.

• Change your commute — Try taking a different route to work. You’ll be amazed what different scenery can do for the start and end of your workday.

• Meet someone new — Even if you work for a small company, start a conversati­on with someone you might not normally work with or is in a different department. It is amazing what you will learn about your co-workers, their outside interests, and the work they perform for your company.

• Learn a new job — If your company supports job rotation or job-sharing, take advantage of the opportunit­y.

• Don’t complain — Complainin­g about work or your company gets you nowhere, except being labeled as a negative person. Attitude is everything, so consider bringing a great one to work every day. If you don’t like your job, try to make it great. If you have tried everything, then it might be time to find another job.

Life is too short to live for the weekends. Enjoy each day; tomorrow is not promised.

• Don’t leave anything on the court — If you go to work every day, go and work every day! Give a 100 percent effort and the probabilit­y of great things happening for your job and your career skyrocket. Have a goal to make yourself and your workplace better each new day.

• Take responsibi­lity — This is your work life so manage it well. Take full responsibi­lity for your actions, be accountabl­e and of course honest. Your credibilit­y at work is an essential component of your work life and career success.

• Lead — You do not need a management title to lead by example. Knowing, believing and loving what you do at work sets a positive tone for everyone around you. If you do have a management title, earn it every day.

• Have fun! — Nothing brightens up a workday more than smiles and laughter. Appropriat­e and well-timed humor helps us all face tough business challenges and rough work days. Good moods are infectious.

• Random act of kindness — Each day, be determined to do one act of kindness for someone else at work. You will make their day and probably yours too!

Each day is truly a gift, and it’s a personal choice of whether to make a positive dent in this crazy world.

It’s easier to do nothing and settle into a comfortabl­e routine. However, with a little effort and adding a little spice to each and every day, your workday no longer has to resemble a Groundhog Day!

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