The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Collaborat­ion key to water tower project


It’s been said that “team” stands for “Together, Each Accomplish­es More.” While we agree that teamwork is indeed important in many endeavors, it also helps when your team is composed of a strong lineup built to succeed.

This point is often proven in sports, but another example could be illustrate­d by the lineup that has come together to secure a future for the Madison water tower.

It was announced on Oct. 15 that the water tower will be receiving a new base coat of white paint later this fall, marking the first phase of transformi­ng the landmark into a welcome area for tourists and a destinatio­n symbol for the Grand River Valley region.

About two dozen community leaders and guests gathered to mark the beginning of on-site work to restore the 128-foot tall, 90-year-old tower that is a prominent fixture at the Interstate 90 westbound and Route 528 interchang­e in Madison Village.

Although the skies were gray and a light rain fell throughout the ceremony, the mood of those in attendance proved to be upbeat and cheerful, and for good reason, based on plans that were outlined to keep a beloved local landmark standing.

In recent years, the water tower’s fate had teetered between unsuccessf­ul efforts to raise money for rehabilita­ting the structure, and announceme­nts by the village that the structure would soon be demolished.

Several times, though, scheduled demolition­s were postponed because of unfavorabl­e weather or other reasons, sparing the tower a trip to the scrapyard.

“I like to say the water tower is like a cat because it’s got nine lives,” said Madison Village Administra­tor Dwayne Bailey.

“It’s very nearly been demolished several times, as close as days away from being demolished.”

Bailey said government funding was not available to reconditio­n and stabilize the water tower because the leaking, deteriorat­ing structure had been disconnect­ed from the village’s water system in 2013.

Perhaps the turning point came when the right lineup of people and organizati­ons united and carried out a plan to save the tower that others before them had been unable to accomplish.

Bailey said the collaborat­ive effort to restore the tower started taking shape in July 2017, when he and Scott Dockus, newly appointed executive director of the Lake County Visitors Bureau, spoke for the first time.

Shortly after starting his new job, Dockus read a NewsHerald story about Madison Village Council giving the community until October 2017 to raise the money necessary to get the tower a new paint job, which would essentiall­y keep it from being torn down.

“(Dockus) called me immediatel­y and said, ‘We’ve got to save this thing, it’s an iconic landmark and we have to have this in Lake County,’ ” Bailey said.

At around the same time, several community groups, including the Madison Community Improvemen­t Corp. and Madison Merchants, took the lead on raising substantia­l amounts of money to ensure the water tower’s survival. Additional funding was secured by the Lake County Visitors Bureau and through anonymous gifts from individual donors.

As a result, $30,000 was raised for the first phase of restoring the water tower.

Fundraisin­g will continue for the second and third phases of the project, Bailey explained.

“In the spring, branding art will be applied to the bowl, as well as landscapin­g to create a welcome area on the Route 528/Interstate 90 exit,” he said.

The plan to use the water tower as a welcoming point for tourists comes at an ideal time, especially with two new hotels being built nearby in Madison Village.

In addition, the new images to be painted on the tower will provide a prime opportunit­y to promote Madison and the Grand River Valley.

Coincident­ally, at the Oct. 15 ceremony, a new logo and phrase — “The Wineries of the Grand River Valley — It’s always a good year here” — to cooperativ­ely promote wineries in the Grand River Valley was unveiled.

Last but not least, don’t forget that the tower has sentimenta­l value for people in Madison and many others who drive by it regularly on Interstate 90.

They’ll be happy to know that the Madison water tower will continue standing tall.

Clearly, the collaborat­ive efforts to develop a plan for restoring the Madison water tower exemplify the importance of teamwork and having a lineup of people on a team with the vision, talent and energy to ensure the success of a given initiative.

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