The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

What causes nighttime urination that’s not a daytime problem?

- Keith Roach

DEAR DR. ROACH >> I am a 68-yearold female. I’m in good health, take no medication­s and work at a desk job all day. I urinate at 5:30 a.m., once at lunch and once before bed, and I do not drink any beverages after 6 p.m. If I can go that many hours without urinating during the day, why do I have to get up in the night to urinate two to four hours after lying down? DEAR READER >> You have already made one important change recommende­d for a person with annoying nighttime urination (nocturia), which is not drinking after 6 p.m. So let’s explore other reasons you still might be having this problem.

Needing to urinate at night is common, especially for older people of both sexes. For men, prostate issues are one problem, while in women, it is loss of estrogen that seems to be the predisposi­ng factor. Treatment with vaginal estrogen often is effective for women with nocturia. Both men and women can have other causes.

Swollen ankles and feet is a symptom in people with kidney or heart disease, but it can be present in many older people without known disease. Lying down allows this fluid to go back into the blood (that’s why the fluid is gone in the morning), at which point the kidneys will excrete that extra fluid as urine. Support stockings can reduce this effect.

The body also uses a hormone (arginine vasopressi­n, also called anti-diuretic hormone) to reduce nighttime urination. In some older people, that system stops working properly and the body actually increases urine output at night. Younger people can be treated with a nasal preparatio­n of this hormone, but that is not recommende­d in people over 65 due to the unacceptab­ly high rate of low blood sodium levels.

Some people wake up due to a sleep problem and then urinate, rather than waking up because of the need to urinate.

That diagnosis should be considered.

Contact Dr. Roach at ToYourGood­Health@med.

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