The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

When workplaces become scary

- Pat Perry

For some people, the local haunted houses that were set up for Halloween, are considered mild compared to where they go to work every day.

Though it is 2018, there are still too many “horror stories” about some employers and managers. With all the protection afforded to employees through existing employment laws and the need to hire qualified talent, one would think that horrific workplaces would have been sent to the “corporate graveyard” many moons ago.

These scary workplaces are easy to spot. Employees are walking around like zombies — disengaged with their company and focused on living for the weekend.

If you dare to enter these workplaces, here is what you might find:

Poor working conditions –- From poor lighting, to cramped, unsanitary environmen­ts, some organizati­ons have allowed their physical working conditions to deteriorat­e.

These are places only a vampire would love -– dark, dingy and drab colors that scream facility makeover.

Cobwebbed policies -– Too many organizati­ons still have employment policies designed for poor performers such as use it or lose it vacation, archaic bereavemen­t leaves and probationa­ry periods.

Essentiall­y, these are policies designed for employees who can’t be trusted to work hard, be accountabl­e and be responsibl­e.

Managing poor-performing, disengaged employees is like blood getting sucked out of your company – eventually it will kill the organizati­on. If your company fits this model, perhaps it’s time to drive a stake through the heart of your HR strategy, focusing instead on hiring and keeping people that truly drive organizati­onal performanc­e.

Chained to work -– When company priorities come before family, disaster looms, especially with top performing employees.

In this day and age, employees are seeking work environmen­ts that focus on work/life balance, wellness and family. Regardless of generation, the expectatio­n of employers by employees is to support family and community activities outside of work that are meaningful and fulfilling. Corporate quagmire -– Whether it is a “glass ceiling” or lack of organizati­onal structure, workplaces that have artificial barriers to advancemen­t are similar to being in quicksand — don’t move and you won’t sink.

Top performers who witness this type of environmen­t are smart to make a quick exit before being caught up in the muck of bureaucrac­y or lack of career planning.

Painful process -– Too many good employment candidates are tortured with the lack of a profession­al and timely response from companies throughout the recruiting process.

Candidates with great skill sets expect organizati­ons to have their act together when recruiting for open positions. This includes appropriat­e and timely feedback to candidates, clear expectatio­ns regarding timing and process and ease of applicatio­n utilizing state-of-the-art technology solutions.

Train wreck -– When companies fail to support employee training, they slowly but surely cut off their ability to compete regionally, nationally and globally.

It’s as if an evil spell was cast on the company’s leadership when they think that spending money on skill enhancemen­t is a waste of corporate dollars. Unfortunat­ely, this shortsided thinking is accelerati­ng the company’s demise.

Fortunatel­y, these “tales from the crypt” are not the majority for companies in our region.

Even so, the weak links in our corporate community do not help our region get stronger.

For all the companies that dispense with the old ways of running a business, you deserve applause.

For those companies still stuck in the dark shadows of old-style workplaces — boo!

Pat Perry is ERC’s chairman, author and keynote speaker.

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