The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

City offers session on coyotes

Concerns come in following dog’s death

- By Betsy Scott @ReporterBe­tsy on Twitter

About 40 people attended a Mentor City Council meeting on coyotes in the wake of one killing a family pet this month.

Council’s Jan. 15 work session started off with a video Q&A between Mentor Natural Resources Specialist Mariah Ritts and Geoff Westerfiel­d, wildlife biologist with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

The presentati­on’s purpose was to inform residents of the potential dangers to domestic animals, whether there is a real threat and what to do if a coyote is spotted.

Westerfiel­d explained that the coyote population is “relatively stable” in Ohio, and there may be more sightings this time of year because their mating season is in December and January.

“Probably every town in Ohio has coyotes,” he said.

When asked whether people should be afraid of them, he said, “Just like any wild any animal you should give it respect. … That doesn’t mean you should fear it.

“If it’s growling or running at you, you want to get out of that situation.”

He noted that it is uncommon for them to be aggressive and that they normally keep to themselves.

About pets, he said outdoor cats are more at risk that dogs. The barking often is a deterrent.

“We probably get a dozen calls a year regarding coyotes and pets,” he said. “Cats are about the one domestic animal that coyotes will use for food. … The best thing is to keep your cat inside.”

They are more likely to be harmed by a domestic dog or hit by a car, he added.

Coyotes are solo hunters, and their main menu consists of rodents such as mice, moles and voles. They eat plants as well.

They are known to carry diseases, such as distemper and rabies.

“That’s why you take your pets to the vet to get vaccinated,” he said.

“You really don’t have any concerns of coyotes attacking you. … In the whole history of Ohio, we only know of one coyote attack (on a human).”

In that case, a coyote ran up to a man and bit him on the leg. A test revealed the animal had rabies.

They are considered nuisance animals, and residents are within their rights to “deal with” a coyote that is causing a problem. Residents may lay snares on their own land, officials said.

“If you remove one coyote, you’re probably going to get another one to replace it,” Westerfiel­d said.

Another question was whether coyote culling might take place in the city, similar to Mentor’s deer-management program. Bowhunters are able to hunt deer on 5 acres or more with permission from the property owner during the hunting season, and Mentor Police provide sharpshoot­ers at some city parks.

“There’s really no reason to do large-scale management of the coyotes,” Westerfiel­d said. He said the fox and rodent population may increase if coyotes are removed. “They take care of a fair amount of dead things that are out there, not just roadkill. … There’s really no easy way to remove a coyote from the ecosystem. They’re here to stay.”

When asked whether a yard could be “coyoteproo­fed,” he recommende­d making sure that there are no food sources outdoors, including pet and accessible bird food.

He also advised keeping fences maintained and removing brush piles.

While fencing a yard may help, a coyote is capable of digging under it, Westerfiel­d said.

Loud noises, such as whistles or air horns could ward off a coyote as well.

So far in the city, there is one confirmed death of a pet by a coyote.

Chillicoth­e Road residents Rick and Kelly Fryan lost their miniature Schnauzer, Harley, to a coyote Jan. 2.

Kelly had let the dog out mid-morning into the yard, which had an Invisible Fence, and soon after received a phone call from a neighbor saying that she saw a coyote with something in its mouth.

“My wife heard nothing,” Rick said. “No barks, no yips, no nothing.”

Rick and his 15-year-old son happened upon the remains of their dog after several searches of the wooded area near their home.

His initial Facebook post about the incident was shared more than 600 times.

“We felt very safe on our property,” Rick said. “We have an Invisible Fence, the dog stayed in that. …

“That’s what this is all about, creating awareness for other property owners. … We shouldn’t, as residents, be confined to our home. We should be able to go outside and enjoy.”

Ward 1 Councilman Sean Blake said he received a number of calls after the attack was publicized.

“The rest of the year, I don’t hear the word coyote at all,” he said.

City Manager Ken Filipiak asked that residents call the city about an issues as well as ODNR so that the administra­tion can keep tabs on coyote activity.

“The critical part is to identify the particular coyotes that might become a problem, displaying aggressive behavior, if it shows signs of acting strangely … circling around or foaming at the mouth, or seems confused or agitated, those are the things we want to hear about and we can do an investigat­ion,” he said.

He noted that the city has the benefit of a having a wildlife specialist on staff to monitor the situation.

 ?? BETSY SCOTT — THE NEWS-HERALD ?? Kelly Fryan’s miniature Schnauzer was killed by a coyote Jan. 2. Mentor City Council held a work session on coyotes Jan. 15.
BETSY SCOTT — THE NEWS-HERALD Kelly Fryan’s miniature Schnauzer was killed by a coyote Jan. 2. Mentor City Council held a work session on coyotes Jan. 15.

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