The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Prostate Problems Solved in Clinical Trials; Men Pee 241% More


Nobel Prize-winning discovery banishes prostate problems and helps men pee stronger and more fully empty their bladders; resulting in less bathroom trips and better sleep without drugs, doctor’s visits or surgery.

A Nobel Prize-winning breakthrou­gh is helping thousands of men pee freely again.

In clinical trials, this new discovery improved every single one of the five worst symptoms of an unhealthy prostate. Men who took it:

• Start peeing faster, with less strain

• Pee longer, and maintain a steady stream

• Empty more pee from their bladder, resulting in less dribbling, dripping and leaking

• Aren’t pressured by the constant urge to pee

• Sleep more, with less interrupti­ons at night

Men suffering sexual performanc­e issues also reported a stronger desire, more vigor and better erections too.

After studies confirmed it’s safe and causes no side effects, a product based on this discovery hit the market and people who have used it are singing its praises.

“My life has changed for the better. I’m only getting up once a night and not the usual 3 to 4 times,” says Ed M.


These results are due to a stunning new developmen­t in the hottest area of medicine: stem cells.

You see, until now experts thought stem cells could only grow into new cells anywhere in your body. That discovery was a game changer. For example, Harvard Stem Cell Institute used them to generate new pancreatic cells, helping diabetics get healthy blood sugar.

But if you can’t pee, the LAST thing you want is more cells making your prostate grow even bigger!

Well it turns out stem cells also send out signals so organs don’t grow too big. Specifical­ly, these signals kick-start a process that MD Anderson Cancer Center says “appears to serve as an efficient cellular quality control mechanism that removes dysfunctio­nal, unwanted, and potentiall­y dangerous cells.”

In other words, it purges organs of excess cells. So they don’t grow too big. And keeps them a healthy size.


Further research by world famous stem cell pioneer Dr. Al Sears discovered certain nutrients also trigger this process that keeps organs a healthy size. And in clinical studies men with prostate problems taking these nutrients see huge gains in pee performanc­e.

Based on this research, Dr. Sears recently released a prostate support pill called Prosta-Vive LS, and it’s become so popular, he’s having trouble keeping it in stock.

Dr. Sears is the author of more than 500 scientific papers on men’s health issues and stem cells and recently spoke at the WPBF 25 Health & Wellness Festival featuring Dr. Oz and special guest Suzanne Somers. Thousands of people listened to Dr. Sears speak on stem cells and attended his book signing at the event.

Prosta-Vive LS has only been available for a few months — but everyone who takes it reports similar prostate-soothing results.

“I’m 73 years old and since taking Dr. Sears formula I don’t have to go to the bathroom several times at night. I ran out a month ago, and noticed a difference. So I got my new batch and will not be out of it again!” says Peter S.


558 men with prostate concerns took part in a double-blind, placebocon­trolled, randomized clinical trial (the “gold standard” for research). Half of these men were given just one of these special nutrients.

The results? Compared to the placebo, they shot out 241% more pee.

And in addition to a more steady, more powerful stream, they also emptied 51% more pee from their bladder too. Which made their constant pressure to go a thing of the past.

In another “gold standard” study reported in the British Journal of Urology, late night trips to the bathroom dropped by 54%. So instead of waking up every two and a half hours to pee, they got a solid four hours of uninterrup­ted sleep.


Pee problems start when a process called “apoptosis” goes haywire. Apoptosis is how your body removes damaged, dying or diseased cells from your body. The discovery of apoptosis won the Nobel prize in 2002.

Without apoptosis, excessive prostate growth occurs. This squeezes your urethra and pushes on your bladder and makes it hard to pee, while simultaneo­usly increasing your urge to pee.

Until now, nobody knew how or why apoptosis occurred. But this recent stem cell breakthrou­gh finally brings it under control. And Prosta-Vive

LS is the first and only supplement specially formulated with nutrients that activate apoptosis, making it different than anything else available.

There’s not enough space here to fully explain how this works, so Dr. Sears will send anyone who orders Prosta-Vive

LS a special report that explains everything.

But first, Dr. Sears believes men should have all of the facts before they make a decision. So he warns this won’t work for everyone.

Citing a study of 1,158 men that used the American Urological Associatio­n symptom index that grades the severity of pee problems — ingredient­s in ProstaVive LS eased ALL of the symptoms by a whopping 92%.

“92% isn’t perfect,” says Dr. Sears, “but when you consider the alternativ­es, like drugs and surgery with their dangerous side effects, it’s not hard to see why thousands of men are choosing this option.”


To secure bottles of this hot, new formula, buyers should contact the Sears Health Hotline at 1-866-659-8675 within the new 48 hours. “It’s not available in drug stores yet,” said Dr. Sears. “The Hotline allows us to ship the product directly to the customer.”

Dr. Sears feels so strongly about this product, he offers a 100% money-back guarantee on every order. “Just send me back the bottle and any unused product within 90 days, and I’ll send you your money back,” he says.

The Hotline will be open for the next 48 hours. After that, the phone number will be shut down to allow them to restock. Call 1-866-659-8675 to secure your limited supply of Prosta-Vive LS. You don’t need a prescripti­on, and those who call in the first 24 hours qualify for a significan­t discount. Use Promo Code NP0118PV89 when you call in. If the lines are busy keep trying, all calls will be answered.

 ??  ?? In clinical trials, men pee stronger and more fully empty their bladders; resulting in less bathroom trips and better sleep.
In clinical trials, men pee stronger and more fully empty their bladders; resulting in less bathroom trips and better sleep.

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