The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

The Daily Commuter puzzle

- By Jacqueline E. Mathews

ACROSS 1 Jack or joker 5 Flock members 10 Read quickly 14 Above 15 Actor Romero 16 Long sandwich 17 Mrs. Herman

Munster 18 Stands for 20 Presidenti­al

monogram 21 Neat 22 Pushover 23 Accepted

standards 25 Spoil; deface 26 Short sleep 28 __ City, Nevada 31 Narrow street 32 Piece of garlic 34 High chair

accessory 36 Untruths 37 Merchandis­e 38 Get away 39 Scale divisions:

abbr. 40 Sphere of the

world 41 Breakfast drink 42 Has __; is

troubled 44 Empty-stomach

feeling 45 Go quickly 46 Henry or Peter 47 Christmas song 50 Gap 51 “Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a __…” 54 Honest 57 Bean curd 58 Gershwin’s

“Rhapsody in __” 59 Tiny weight 60 Steel’s main

component 61 __ up; arranges 62 Decree 63 Abnormal sac

DOWN 1 Respirator­y ailment 2 Zealous 3 Unstoppabl­e;

determined 4 Parched 5 Pinch pennies 6 Pays attention to 7 Notice 8 Cochlea’s place 9 Prefix for view or

heat 10 Large scissors 11 Penny 12 Carney & others 13 Too inquisitiv­e 19 Trunk tire 21 Cafeteria

patron’s item 24 Change for a five 25 Dallas team, for

short 26 Summon 27 Excuse 28 Secret language 29 Required 30 Family tree

member 32 Pigeon sounds 33 Bowl clumsily 35 Bar order 37 Delight 38 Provide money for 40 Slyness; cunning 41 Beaver Cleaver’s

mom 43 Pushes roughly 44 Word attached to

share or candle 46 Compel 47 Hired vehicles 48 Competent 49 Disastrous defeat 50 __ over; deliver 52 Eerie sightings,

for short 53 Tap a baseball 55 Startling word 56 “__ Father, Who

art in heaven…” 57 __-tac-toe

 ??  ?? Created by Jacqueline E. Mathews
Created by Jacqueline E. Mathews

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