The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Furious relative will not attend bar mitzvah

- Amy Dickinson

DEAR AMY » My grand-nephew is being bar mitzvahed next month.

His father, who runs youth programs for the local Jewish Community Center and has never before displayed ultra-orthodox tendencies, has decided to hold the ceremonies in a Chabad synagogue, in which men and women are not allowed to sit together.

I refuse to attend this ceremony, which I consider medieval and sexist in nature. My wife — it’s her side of the family — knows how I feel, and is OK with my choice, but will attend the ceremony, neverthele­ss.

Quite honestly, I am really disappoint­ed in her decision.

There are other, less rigid synagogues in the area, and I would gladly attend services at them, but this is what my nephew has chosen.

I’d like to tell the family how I feel, and encourage them to boycott the ceremony, as well.

I know this is drastic, and practicall­y uncalled for, but I truly feel that attending means approval of these reactionar­y practices.

Should I encourage my wife not to attend? Should I notify the rest of the family? DEAR DISGUSTED » You are completely within your rights to stay home from a religious ceremony you consider “medieval and sexist in nature.”

And now I wonder: Who put you in charge of the rest of the family?

You are obviously infuriated by the parents’ choice to hold this religious ceremony in an ultra-orthodox venue. The boy’s father, who it seems is already deeply involved in the Jewish community, may be moving toward a more conservati­ve faith practice. Do you expect to disrupt his journey toward the ultra-orthodox through your own tough judgment? Could you exert enough pressure to get this branch of your wife’s family to change? (No, you could not.)

I appreciate your concern about the position of women in this particular faith community, but I have news for you: my own perspectiv­e is that many orthodox religious practices and/or closed faith-based communitie­s (such as the Chabad, Amish, Mormon, orthodox Christian, Muslim, and others) are deeply sexist in structure (if not always on the surface). And I say this as an active, if occasional­ly infuriated, Methodist.

Furthermor­e, your desire to control your wife is — well, let’s just call it ironic.

Stay home if you want. Control your own impulse to control other people. DEAR AMY » Iaminmy early 30s and I have a great career and home.

I am single and live my life to my wants and needs. I’ve never had jealous tendencies. There is an old friend I have known from my grammar school days who is engaged, and recently purchased a home with her fiancé.

We do not socialize anymore in person. I do not harbor ill will toward her despite my low opinion of her. She was the type of person who always had to one-up your story or have something better than what you had. She cut corners in school and put more time into controllin­g how others perceived her.

She posted photos of the home along with the square footage in the descriptio­n.

The recent posting of her new ‘mansion’ has me green with envy. I’m disappoint­ed in myself. I do not know why I feel this way, but I cannot shake the feeling.

When I mentioned this to someone, they pointed out that because I feel this way, I must not be happy with my life. The truth is I am very happy.

I know what people post on social media is always the ‘prettier version’ of life’s reality, but I cannot shake this jealously.

Do you have any words of wisdom or advice on how to deflect this type of feeling? Does being jealous mean you are not happy?

According to you, your hometown pal has always trafficked in one-upmanship. She is still doing it — and you are still letting her.

You feel envy NOT because you are unhappy, but because you are human.

I suggest that you eliminate these envy-triggers (disengage from her on social media) and — please — learn to laugh about your own very human reaction.

Contact Amy Dickinson via email at askamy@ amydickins­

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