The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Tech tracks Santa Claus on Christmas Eve travels

Who Journeyed 5 months ago July 25, 2019


On Christmas Eve millions around the globe watch the journey of Santa Claus and sleigh in real time.

(Published in The News-Herald Dec. 25, 1989) As my mind and my heart grasp the magical and loving world of Santa Claus, I reflect back to the time of my childhood, when at the age of 6, the sound of the words “Santa Claus” brought excitement and joy at this festive time of year. I remember vividly – it was a blustery Sunday night, and my Mom, Dad and grandmothe­r telling me that I was going to a party and Santa was going to be there. I remember being concerned because at the last minute my Dad could not go along with us, so Mom had to take me. The church gym was the setting for the party, and as we children, wide-eyed and nervous, stood in line just waiting for the next opportunit­y to step up in line and walk up on stage just for the chance for the white-haired man to look you straight in the eyes and say “HO-HO-HO”. Oh yes, I do remember the apprehensi­on that quickly came and the excitement that followed immediatel­y thereafter. I distinctly remember this particular visit to Santa as he lifted me up and held me close as he asked me what I wanted for Christmas. Though I cannot honestly remember what it was that I wanted, I was so impressed with his concern for my wants and wishes. I was so amazed that Santa was so interested this year. As his eyes lit up and he asked me more questions, I remember being comfortabl­e with him. Christmas Day came that year in ’59 and oh! – how excited I was. Santa remembered everything and even wrote me a letter about my visit to him. GEE!! Santa, how could you remember? Well, Jolly Old St. Nick, the years have passed. You made all the Christmas Holidays special, each in their own way. But oh, St. Nick, you let your guard down one Christmas, and I found out by some family pictures taken during the holidays that Grandma was standing close by when you were putting the presents under the tree, AND, Santa, you had the exact same hole in your shoe as my DAD had in his. It also became evident to me why on that Sunday night in ’59 you suddenly could not go with Mom and me to see Santa because you had to dash to St. Mary Magdalene gym to dress up and become Jolly Old St. Nick just to have me come up and sit on your lap so you could secretly hear my wishes. My Dear Santa (alias: Dad), the sparkle I see in your eyes when you tell of this story is probably matched my mine. Lucky? You bet I am. How many girls can say that they sat on Santa’s lap and he knew everything about them? This was the very same Santa who patiently taught me how to ride my first bike, dried my tears when I fell and then pushed me off again and again till I mastered that skill. This jolly man picked me up off the living room floor where I fell asleep so many times and tucked me in a nice warm bed - the same jolly man who painstakin­gly taught (?) me how to throw and catch a ball, to scold me when I came home late from a date, to spend hours helping me with my homework, hug me upon graduation, and proudly walk me down the aisle. This was the same Santa whose eyes filled with tears the first time he held his granddaugh­ters - the same Santa who played Santa for Christine and Rosemary, his granddaugh­ters. This was the same Santa who admitted me to the hospital when the need arose. Through the years our paths may have crossed, difference­s arose, but when the Christmas season is over and the red suit is off, I know that “Santa” is always there. To me in my life, every time I see a Santa mine comes to heart. Mine is Jack Cottrell and he is my Dad. Thank you, Jolly Old Jack, for my loving memories. Your daughter, Bernadette Granddaugh­ters Christine & Rosemary and Great - Grandchild­ren, Rayna and Dylan. We will always keep your memory alive.

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