The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Today can be the day for a turnaround

- Catherine Galasso Vigorito A New You

“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” — John Wesley I remember a remarkable story that a friend of mine once told me about a beloved preacher named, John Wesley. The account is purported to be true and carries with it a significan­t message.

In the 1700s, John Wesley was one of 18 children born into a home where his mother taught her family the importance of faith in God and having a strict moral compass. She instilled in her children the idea that inner peace comes from having lived a life based on integrity, truth and noble character.

The years passed, and John Wesley went on to become an eloquent preacher, writer and a theologian. Frequently, Wesley would travel from church to church to preach his divinely-guided messages. One evening after a service, though, as Wesley was traveling home, a man approached him. The man tried to rob Wesley.

However, Wesley only had a small amount of money and some of his writings and books. So furious, the man quickly turned to scurry away. But without delay, Wesley shouted to him, “Wait!” Wesley’s voice was calm, “I do have something to give to you.”

The man looked back at him, stunned, as Wesley kindly spoke, “My friend, you may live to regret this sort of life in which you are engaged. If you ever do, I beseech you to remember that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin.”

In a state of confusion, the man ran back into the darkness and soon vanished from sight. Subsequent­ly, Wesley prayed for him.

Many years went by; and after one of Wesley’s services, Wesley was standing in the front of the church shaking hands with members of his congregati­on. Then and there, a distinguis­hed-looking gentleman approached him.

The two locked eyes and Wesley faintly recognized the man. At that moment, it all came back to him. “This is the man who wanted to rob me,” Wesley thought to himself.

Taking Wesley’s hand within his own, the gentleman was now a successful businessma­n. With tears in his eyes, he apologized to Wesley for his gross error in judgment and uttered, “To you, dear sir… I owe it all.”

Moved with compassion, Wesley said, “Oh, not to me. The glory goes to God.” The words that Wesley voiced to the man on that dirt road long ago warmed the man’s heart. For God’s mercy was bigger than any mistake, and an amazing turnaround took place in the man’s life.

I wonder how many of us would progress into a whole new glorious way of living, if we knew, like this man, that God’s mercy and grace could transform any mess into a masterpiec­e, a mistake into a miracle.

All of us, at some point, have been hurt, disappoint­ed or were mistreated. Perhaps, you were affected by an unjust circumstan­ce. Possibly, you made a poor decision or had times of carelessne­ss. Then, you might feel that you’re insignific­ant or see yourself as flawed. Afterward, you might block your own future blessings and the good you can do for others because you may not feel worthy, and you can end up settling for less than God’s best for you.

But the situation that you have faced, or will face, has not canceled out God’s wonderful plan for your future. Genesis 1:1, states, “In the beginning, God created…” and He created you as part of His glorious workmanshi­p. You are priceless to God. He considers you to be His “masterpiec­e.” (Ephesians 2:10) He has “crowned you with glory and honor.” (Psalm 8:5). And, He “has you in the palm of His hand.” (Isaiah 49:16).

There are great works that God has set aside for you to accomplish. He wants you to positively influence this world with your incredible gifts. So no matter what you’re going through right now, turn to God with humility. Pray faithfully. Ask God to help you to make good choices. Free yourself of everything that is holding you down and then watch what God will do.

God wants to show you the exceeding greatness of His power. For God has a way of turning around the most difficult, desperate situations for your good. In the Scriptures, God turned things around for Bartimaeus, and his sight was recovered. (Mark 10: 46-52). God turned things around for Hezekiah and granted him fifteen additional years of life. (Isaiah 38:1-2). And God can cause a turnaround in your life, too.

“The Lord your God turned the curse into a blessing for you,

because the Lord your God loves you.” (Deuteronom­y 23:5).

And as John Wesley spoke words of encouragem­ent to the man, today let me encourage you. God has a dream for your future. You have something wonderful to offer to this world that no one else possesses. Don’t undervalue or lose confidence in yourself. There is only one of you. You’re valuable and needed. And you are alive with potential.

In the approachin­g days, expect some miracles, big and small to come to pass. Something amazing is coming your way. Keep an eye out for God’s goodness and look for the new doors of opportunit­y that He will open for you. Be bound and determined to live your best life. And like the butterfly that emerges triumphant­ly from its chrysalis, you, too, can experience the joys of transforma­tion, renewal and victory.

Begin the transforma­tion in your life. Let the God of love lead you knowing that His way is perfect, and you’ll be astounded at the abundance of blessings God has before you.

Today starts your turnaround! Let the change begin.

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