The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

U.S.-E.U. trade war is mutually destructiv­e

- Read the Washington Post editorial at https://www. washington­

When is a setback for U.S.-European trade not necessaril­y a setback for U.S.-European trade? When it’s Monday’s European Union announceme­nt of $4 billion in new tariffs on U.S. goods, in retaliatio­n for the Trump administra­tion’s imposition of tariffs on $7.5 billion in European goods, ranging from aircraft to whiskey, last year. This latest round of tit-for-tat levies so clearly demonstrat­es the mutually destructiv­e nature of transatlan­tic trade conflict that it may finally prompt both sides to negotiate a permanent settlement.

At issue is the United States’ 16-year-old battle at the World Trade Organizati­on, initiated under the Bush administra­tion, to punish Europe for subsidizin­g Airbus, the FrancoAngl­o-German-Spanish consortium that competes for global commercial aircraft sales with the U.S. national champion, Boeing. The E.U., in effect, countersue­d, and the WTO — confirming its usefulness as an impartial arbiter in such matters — has ruled, correctly, that both sides are right. Each is guilty of illegally subsidizin­g aircraft exports, Europe via subsidized loans, and the United States through state-level tax breaks.

Therefore, unlike many other tariffs enacted under the Trump administra­tion, the ones it imposed on Europe last year were authorized by the WTO and valid under internatio­nal law. Alas for the United States, the same can be said about the tariffs the E.U. just imposed. Collateral damage may soon pile up on the various non-aircraft industries each side is punishing to gain leverage on the other.

The obvious solution is for the United States and Europe to negotiate mutual eliminatio­n of unlawful subsidies, as indeed both sides claim already to be doing. The end of tariffs and subsidized competitio­n would be especially beneficial for Boeing, which is in deep crisis, and dependent on federal aid, due to the pandemic and problems with its troubled 737-Max aircraft, sales of which have been all but paralyzed since two fatal crashes of the new model in late 2018 and early 2019.

Yet Airbus, too, has much to gain from a truce since, while the United States and the E.U. have been fighting over the past decade-and-a-half, China has been building its own commercial aircraft manufactur­er, COMAC, into a serious potential competitor, both in the huge Chinese market and beyond. The pandemic may have shrunk the air travel business permanentl­y, or at least for the medium term; if the United States and Europe want to prevent China from subsidizin­g its way to a larger share of that shrinking pie, jointly practicing lawful trade could help.

The Trump administra­tion has gratuitous­ly provoked Europeans with ill-conceived tariffs on steel and other imports, as well as threats against the European automotive industry. By contrast, peace in the U.S.-E.U. aircraft war could be a predicate for establishi­ng the united front of democratic capitalist countries against Chinese mercantili­sm that the Biden campaign promised. In fact, maximizing free trade with high-wage, environmen­tally conscious Europe presents few of the problems trade opponents often attribute to deals with low-wage countries such as Mexico. Chastened by the costly trade wars of the Trump years, and needing new sources of growth to recover from the pandemic, both Europe’s leaders and President-elect Joe Biden have every reason to get to yes.

The end of tariffs and subsidized competitio­n would be especially beneficial for Boeing, which is in deep crisis, and dependent on federal aid, due to the pandemic and problems with its troubled 737Max aircraft, sales of which have been all but paralyzed since two fatal crashes of the new model in late 2018 and early 2019.

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