The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Dust, wind, sun exposure may be cause of eye lesion

- Keith Roach Contact Dr. Roach at ToYourGood­Health@med.


» I am under the care of an ophthalmol­ogist, and on a routine exam I was told that I have pinguecula of the eyes. What does this mean? I was given artificial tears and am to follow up regularly. The eye doctor is going to reevaluate in three months. I am very worried.

— V.P.

DEAR READER » A pinguecula is a benign lesion made of fat and protein. It’s located in the conjunctiv­a of the eye, at the limbus — the point where the sclera (the white of the eye) meets the cornea (the clear part that is on top of the iris and lens). A pinguecula never goes over onto the cornea, which distinguis­hes it from another common eye lesion, a pterygium. We think they are caused by years of irritation from dust, wind and sun exposure. You need not be worried, because a pinguecula doesn’t affect vision and usually doesn’t need treatment beyond lubricatin­g eyedrops.

DEAR DR. ROACH » Several years ago, a friend gave me a recipe to lower blood sugar. He said his mother used it, and it helped her. I want to know if it is for real or an old folk remedy that was passed through the generation­s.

You mix apple cider vinegar with apple and grape juices, and drink 2 ounces in the morning and 2 ounces in the evening. I made a batch but halved it because it seemed like a lot to start. My blood sugar dropped seven points since I started taking it two days ago. Can you tell me if this is a real thing or a temporary situation until I see my doctor next week? Does something like this really work? Or was my sugar just going down naturally?

— R.C.

DEAR READER » Some old folk remedies do work, and it has taken years for scientists to try to find out which ones are really useful and, if so, why. In the case of apple cider vinegar, there is a small study showing that 20 grams of apple cider vinegar (about 4 teaspoons) did lower blood sugar when volunteers with diabetes were given a meal of a bagel with butter and orange juice. The magnitude of the effect is small — usually not enough to be an effective treatment by itself. I also am concerned about the effect of vinegar on the teeth. Adding fruit juice to the vinegar doesn’t seem to be necessary (fruit juice wasn’t used in the study) and it adds sugar, which is generally not a good idea in people with diabetes.

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