The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Imagine a world where everyone showed kindness

- Catherine Galasso Vigorito Follow Catherine on Instagram @Catherineg­alassovigo­rito

A well-to-do man was traveling in a limousine along a New York highway. And suddenly, hearing thump, thump, thump, the man thought they may have a flat tire. The driver pulled over to the emergency lane. He got out of the car, walked over to the backleft tire, inspected it and realized the tire was indeed flat.

Moments later, a passing motorist stopped. Spotting the disabled limousine on the side of the highway, the motorist rolled down his car window and questioned the limo driver, “Do you needed some assistance?” Without a doubt, help was needed and much appreciate­d.

So, the motorist got out of his car and started changing the flat tire. He removed the punctured tire and replaced it with the spare, so they could drive to a shop and get a proper replacemen­t.

When the motorist was finished, the well-to-do man asked with gratitude, “How can I repay you for your kindness?” Shaking his head, ‘no,’ the motorist declined, as he began to walk back to his car.

But the well-todo man insisted. “Surely, there must be something I can do for you,” he stated. Smiling, the motorist replied, “Well, you can send a bouquet of flowers to my wife.” With that he gave him the address, and the men said their good-byes.

It was purported that several weeks later, the flowers arrived at the motorist’s home. There was a note attached to the bouquet that read: “I have paid off your mortgage.”

Acts of kindness do not have to be grand gestures to make a difference. Nor do deeds of compassion have to be time-consuming, difficult or costly. They simply need to be heartfelt and genuine. For, it is often the little things we can do for one another that can make a person’s day brighter and have the biggest impact.

I like the quote from William Penn:

“I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.”

I’ve always told my children that life is like a circle, what goes around comes around. And, then, I explain, “When you do a good deed, it comes back to you.” For I read in Ephesians 6:8, “Knowing that what so ever good thing anyone doeth, the same shall they receive of the Lord.”

A simple act of kindness, when passed, from heart to heart, is a touch of God’s own love from one to another. Blessed are those who can give without rememberin­g, and take without forgetting. Recently, I heard about a 19-year-old young man who bought a car from a private owner. The gentleman who sold the vehicle to him took the cash and counted out $1,000. Then, he gave the money back to the young man along with the car keys and said, “Good luck in college. Pay it forward.” Generosity does not go unnoticed, “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect toward Him.” (2 Chronicles, 16:9).

In sowing love, you reap love; in sowing kindness, you reap kindness; and in sowing compassion, you reap compassion. I know a special person who had cards printed up to pass out whenever she lent a helping hand to another. The cards read, “You have been helped today. Instead of payment, please pass this blessing on to someone else.”

“Everybody can be great…you only need a heart full of grace.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Send a thoughtful card or a cheerful email to a friend. Be there for people. Listen to them talk and offer a caring word to start them moving on the right path. There is great power in your words. How will you use them today? Let us speak kindly, sincerely, with inspiratio­n to each other. Make every word that comes out of our mouths edify. Sometimes, that affirmativ­e expression of praise to another is all that is needed to continue to persevere and fulfill a seemingly tough task. The sincere words of caring individual­s enthuse and motivate us to do great things and keep us on track when the going appears slow. Words of understand­ing help us get through trying times. “I know, I have been through that,” or “Everything will be alright,” is like balm to the recipient’s ears. A reader wrote, “I came across a verse that I think is very special. It goes like this, ‘Live in such a way that those who know you, but don’t know God will come to know God because of you.’ What a wonderful world it would be if everyone could practice this.”

Can you imagine a world where everyone showed a little kindness or compassion, or did a small favor for someone just once a day?

So, wake up each day and ask yourself, “How can I be a blessing today?” and “I will not go to sleep until I have lifted up someone.” Just think of how many lives would be changed and consoled.

You may have been struggling for a long time. But as you reach out to others with daily acts of kindness, all of a sudden, things will turn in your favor. You’ll feel better. A need will be met. And past stumbling blocks will become stepping stones to your heart’s desire.

Soon, God is going to bring you an opportunit­y that will take you to a new place of blessings.

So, keep using your gifts, energy and enthusiasm to enrich the lives of others. And always be on the lookout for people that you can help. Look around and treat yourself to the greatest joy in life. And that is doing something nice for someone else. Then behold, someone will be on the lookout to help you, too.

Being kind matters.

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