The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Nerve compressio­n causes carpal tunnel syndrome

- Keith Roach Contact Dr. Roach at ToYourGood­Health@med.


I am a 78-year-old woman. Last September I had severe pain in my right hand. The pain was so bad that I had to go to the emergency room, where they did an MRI. Results showed I have cervical radiculopa­thy, a pinched nerve in my neck. They put me on hydrocodon­e and prednisone. A few days later I had extreme pain in both upper arms. My doctor sent me to a neurologis­t. After her consultati­on about a month later, she had me take two tests, EMG and NCV (not sure what those stand for). It was a needle test and a shock test. I was told I had carpel tunnel syndrome in my right hand. I have been referred to a hand surgeon.

However, the neurologis­t has no idea what is causing the upper arm pain.

My question is if the hand pain and possibly the arm pain is from my neck, will carpel tunnel surgery in my right hand help my arms too? Or do I have two different problems. Do I need neck surgery for both problems?

— R.M.

DEAR READER » The nerves of the body carry pain signals to the brain. When a nerve is damaged, the brain usually registers the pain from the area of the body the nerve supplies, but there are times when the location of the pain differs a bit from what is expected.

In your case, you have two different nerves that are being damaged.

The nerve in the neck — which is usually compressed by a disk or by arthritis in the neck — often causes pain in the shoulder, arm or hand.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is when the median nerve in the wrist is compressed by excess pressure in a tunnel of bone and connective tissue.

The pain of carpal tunnel syndrome is usually in the thumb and middle three fingers of the hand, but occasional­ly goes up to the elbow. In the rare instance, it’s felt above the elbow.

Electromyo­graphy and nerve conduction velocity (the EMG and NCV) tests should show which specific nerve is being affected and where the compressio­n is. It is concerning to me the neurologis­t isn’t sure where the pain is coming from. If the hand pain is due to a problem in the neck, carpal tunnel surgery will not be helpful in relieving pain. The hand surgeon should not do surgery unless there is clear evidence that there is damage to the nerve.

The pain being in both upper arms suggests to me that the cervical radiculopa­thy is more likely the cause, but I would not proceed with any surgery unless your neurologis­t is convinced that the surgery will help.

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