The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

What about the filibuster?

Filibuster: Accidental norm that should not be

- Craig Holman serves as Public Citizen’s lobbyist on ethics, lobbying and campaign finance rules. Lisa Gilbert is Public Citizen’s executive vice president. They wrote this for InsideSour­

It began as an accident, morphed into a parliament­ary tool extensivel­y used to block civil rights legislatio­n, and today has grown into a partisan gambit threatenin­g to obstruct democracy reforms and, for that matter, the entire policy agenda of the new Biden administra­tion. It is called the filibuster.

There is nothing in the U.S. Constituti­on that provides for the filibuster. In fact, it is anathema to what the Founders envisioned for the legislativ­e process. Noting the standstill of the legislativ­e process under the super-majority vote requiremen­ts of the Articles of Confederat­ion, the Founders wrote a new Constituti­on fundamenta­lly based on majority rule. Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist 22: “If a pertinacio­us minority can control the opinion of a majority ... (the government’s) situation must always savor of weakness, sometimes border upon anarchy.”

Instead, the filibuster came into existence very much unwittingl­y and by mistake. Both the House and Senate rule books included the “previous question” motion, which allowed each body to cut off debate by a simple majority. In 1805, Vice President Aaron Burr, recently indicted for the murder of Alexander Hamilton, presided over the Senate and argued that the “previous question” motion was superfluou­s, and so the Senate deleted it from the rulebook. No one contemplat­ed that the deleted “previous question” motion could empower a senator to keep the floor indefinite­ly and prevent a vote on a motion until decades later, with the first filibuster in 1837.

Back then, the filibuster was a “talking filibuster” in which senators had to stand on the floor and talk ‘til they dropped. It really was not used often prior to the Civil War. The filibuster eventually did become a nuisance to the legislativ­e process, so the Senate adopted a compromise reform to cut off debate by a supermajor­ity vote in 1917, known as the “cloture” rule (Senate Rule 22).

Today, the filibuster has become a routine tool to derail a majority party’s legislativ­e agenda. If Senate leaders know that at least 41 senators would oppose a cloture motion on any legislativ­e measure, that measure usually will not be scheduled for floor considerat­ion. The frequency of such informal filibuster­s today can be measured by the number of cloture motions, which have gone from one or two cloture motions per session prior to the 1960s to 150 to 250 cloture motions today.

Following the tidal wave of scandals and corruption and efforts to suppress voting rights over the last four years, and in recognitio­n of longstandi­ng issues with our democracy, congressio­nal Democrats have put together a massive legislativ­e package to strengthen our system. The For the People Act would establish automatic voter registrati­on, make voting by mail and early voting easy, ban gerrymande­ring and enhance election security. The legislatio­n would enhance transparen­cy of money in politics and replace the corrupting system of special-interest financing of elections with a small donor matching program to reduce the role of Big Money in elections. It would strengthen government­al ethics by applying the conflict-of-interest rules all the way up the government hierarchy, including the president and vice president, and empower the Office of Government Ethics to enforce these rules, and much more. In short, the For the People Act is the cure to the ills of government for which we have all been waiting.

But the dysfunctio­n caused by the filibuster could strangle much of the Democratic majority legislativ­e agenda in the 117th Congress. And Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has signaled that he will filibuster these democracy reforms to the death.

The filibuster, as it stands, is the single greatest obstacle to protecting us from voting access attacks at the state level, restoring election integrity and reining in special interest control over government. This is reason enough to end the filibuster as we know it. There are a number of different steps that could be taken, from restoring the talking filibuster to exempting democracy reforms from the filibuster or, better yet, casting this accidental parliament­ary mistake into the dustbin from which it crawled.

As the 2020 elections demonstrat­e, people of all partisan persuasion­s are tired of the congressio­nal gridlock and the scandals and corruption that have come to define Washington. Americans want sweeping change. It is what we voted for. Let’s not allow a parliament­ary gimmick to block desperatel­y needed democracy reforms and leaving us forever stranded in a legislativ­e quagmire.

 ??  ?? Craig Holman
Craig Holman
 ??  ?? Lisa Gilbert
Lisa Gilbert

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