The News-Times (Sunday)

Melania Trump’s jacket is the Trump administra­tion

- By Nancy Kaffer Nancy Kaffer is a columnist for the Detroit Free Press.

When I read reports that first lady Melania Trump, en route to visit immigrant kids detained at the border, wore a jacket that read “I REALLY DON’T CARE DO U” I thought it was, like, an implicatio­n. Not, you know, literal.

Turns out the first lady is just tone deaf enough to wear a jacket with those exact words in giant letters on the back, which really seems to highlight superficia­l concern for the victims of a humanitari­an crisis of her husband’s manufactur­e.

The first lady’s trip to the border comes one day after President Donald Trump signed an executive order ending a practice he’d begun about six weeks before, of removing children brought across the border by their parents to holding facilities, and then to foster care or group homes across the country. (Kids already detained seem to be stuck in limbo, with dim prospects of reunificat­ion with their parents any time soon.)

Melania Trump’s spokespers­on told a reporter that the jacket, which the first lady did not wear to the actual detention facility, holds no “hidden message”; sure, there’s really nothing hidden about giant letters.

It’s outrageous, tone deaf, nearly unbelievab­le, and will wrest the next 24 hours of news cycle from substantiv­e questions. If the Trump administra­tion were an item of clothing, it would be this jacket.

And that’s where covering this administra­tion has always been complicate­d. Trump and his confederat­es do and say outrageous things constantly, dominating the news with U.S. Environmen­tal Protection Agency Administra­tor Scott Pruitt’s taxpayerfu­nded trip around D.C. to find luxury hand lotion or Trump’s alleged legal shenanigan­s over alleged Trump ex-lover and exotic dancer Stormy Daniels or pig-ignorant tweeting about, well, everything. It’s frivolity that masks substance: The rapid and terrifying changes Trump’s administra­tion is making to the structure of the U.S. government, the damage it is dealing to the social safety net, the regulation­s it’s slashing, the ethics it has abandoned.

But those very excesses, the frivolous ones that seem like distractio­n, inform the administra­tion’s policy moves. That Trump has been willing to damage thousands of children and parents in what was seemingly a game of political chicken aimed at coercing his political opponents to accede to his demands for an unforgivin­g immigratio­n policy is all of a piece with his petulant tweets.

The constant thrum of low-grade lies and the media’s earnest scramble to debunk and disprove the most significan­t, which register not at all with the president’s Fox News-dependent base (that network still places the entirety of the blame for child sep- aration on Democrats) begins to seem like a tedious exercise, schoolmarm preaching about minutiae whose moment has past.

What’s signal and what’s noise? No one knows anymore.

But while it pains me to rebut a jacket, I think Melania Trump’s is wrong.

Trump ended the child removal policy because Americans cared a lot about this child separation crisis. We expressed our care publicly and loudly; diligent journalist­s on the border and in D.C. exposed the conditions children were placed in and held the administra­tion accountabl­e. Constituen­ts showed lawmakers that this was not the time to capitulate to the administra­tion’s draconian immigratio­n policy.

When we care, we win.

 ?? MANDEL NGAN / AFP/Getty Images ??
MANDEL NGAN / AFP/Getty Images

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