The News-Times (Sunday)

‘Self-serving’ church hierarchy

- By Patrick Lucas Pat Lucas is a resident of Danbury.

Just read Pastor Brooks’ indictment of the Catholic Church not following the Bible, therefore, in his opinion, sowing the seeds leading to the latest round of Sexual Abuse cases that are being brought to light. (The News-Times, Sept. 9) I agree with other letter writers that the Catholic Church has done a lot of humanitari­an work, but these are only the dedicated men and women “in the trenches.” But we cannot be speaking of the Hierarchy, which no more represent Jesus Christ than Al Capone.

I believe many well-meaning Catholics are victims of “Group Think” or “Herd Mentality” or the old cliché: “Pay, Pray, and Obey.”

Historical­ly, a self-serving Hierarchy invented “Church Teachings,” “Canon Law,” “Catechisms,” “Missals,” etc., with the Bible put in a “back seat.” Would Catholics be better off if they left the Church and followed the Bible? Where to worship Jesus Christ is an individual decision made with a lot of soul searching and prayer. But be encouraged, for Jesus himself said in John 14:26: “But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have said to you.” The self-serving Hierarchy has done nothing short of criminal acts by continuing to allow and allow, and allow pedophile priests to prey on innocent children. Can you find any excuse, other than ignorance of the Bible, or perhaps, just downright evil?

For example, Matthew in 10:26 says that there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed or hidden that will not be made known. Luke says in 17: 1 & 2 that it is better to be drowned than cause one of these little ones to stumble. If the Popes, “Arch” Bishops, Cardinals, Monsignors, etc. had really believed the Bible, then they would have rooted out these demonic pedophiles a long time ago. But instead, over a long period of time, they engaged in an enormous cover-up and protected (hundreds?), (thousands?) of pedophile priests.

Aka: Forget about damage to victims; protect a corrupt Church’s “reputation” at all costs.

Any ideas of the new corporate CEO Francis changing things has gone to the wind, based on his own pronouncem­ents. Just a few examples:

After his inaugurati­on, when asked on the Papal Jet about the rampant homosexual­ity in the priesthood, his famous reply was: “Who am I to judge?” Obviously, the Bible’s condemnati­on of homosexual­ity slipped his mind, therefore with his reply giving a green light for this demonic behavior within the Church to continue!

Equally alarming to me was his speech to the Godless “United Nations” General Assembly in October of 2015. Never once does he mention Jesus Christ! It would be amazing, if it wasn’t so tragic.

Lastly, I remember during the U.S. presidenti­al election, Francis blasting then candidate Trump by stating: “Anyone who wants to build walls cannot be a Christian!” Btw: Isn’t the Vatican called the Walled City?

I could go on and on, but the whole mess is sickening. Any thinking person should get the idea by now.

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