The News-Times (Sunday)

Daring to imagine the ‘what if ’

- By AnnMarie McLeod AnnMarie McLeod is a resident of Danbury.

2018 churned with political and social controvers­ies, tragic violence, natural disasters and escalating anger. Brutal social media exchanges, sexual assault charges and immigratio­n policies heightened tensions and dominated public discourse. All of it highlighte­d critical questions related to U.S. culture and government, to understand­ings of what is fair and just, and to how freedom and equality are defined in 21st century America. Most of all, 2018 demonstrat­ed that human frailty and limitation­s distort the ideals and hopes wrapped into the words, “We the people of these United States ...”

And so 2018 invites considerat­ion of what 2019 could look like for America. What if individual­s decided to embrace Rosa Parks’ reasoning that we are meant to be role models for one another? What if we were able to think about the weight of that concept, to consider that each of us has a responsibi­lity to the others? Suppose individual­s trusted the idea that active participat­ion in society is essential for the success of the whole. How could that change lives? How could it redefine personal choices and public direction?

What if our political leaders dared to embrace civility in discourse? What if the name-calling and labeling, accusation­s and blame-placing was dropped in favor of serious examinatio­n of the real issues facing American society? It would require intellectu­al strength and emotional courage to set aside the explosive rhetoric of the past. It would challenge both politician­s and constituen­ts to embrace new responsibi­lities for personal and public interactio­ns. That alone has a multitude of possibilit­ies.

What if wrestling with problem-solving became the mantra of Congress and power politics of both parties yielded to a clear and deep sense of the collective good? Talk about practical solutions? Truly collaborat­e with one another? Could compromise actually become part of public life in significan­t and meaningful ways?

“We, the people of these United States ...” are the words that actually knit our multi-ethnic and racial society into one restless whole. What if those words were heard and heeded? Could divisive rhetoric yield to new levels of mutual appreciati­on for one another? Would it be possible to hear and learn one another’s stories and discover empathy for the suffering that marks every human journey? Would it be possible to see one another as companions in a rapidly changing society rather than as threats to each other?

We are a society of dreamers. From the Founding Fathers to imaginatio­n enthusiast­s like Einstein and Disney, every facet of American life has been marked by those who could see what was and envision something more, something better.

Voices like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. have called us to look at who we are and where we could be as opposed to where we are. It is 2019. It is time to dare to choose to be different, to be better. After all, we are the people.

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