The News-Times

A permanent minority party


U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions missed an opportunit­y to act the statesman. No surprise.

Instead of encouragin­g a gathering of young conservati­ves in their chant, “lock her up,” as Donald Trump often cries in reference to Hillary Clinton, he might have suggested it was time to put aside their politics of the campaign of 2016 and its aftermath, in an effort to begin to unify the country.

Hillary Clinton has been investigat­ed more than any other public figure in my lifetime, yet never indicted; she won more popular votes for president than any other candidate except Barack Obama; she will never again be a candidate for president. Yet, she and President Obama remain obsessions among Republican­s bent on their destructio­n in memory and reputation. Why? The Republican Party has willfully chosen to be a minority party; it does not seek to appeal to new constituen­cies. It relies on mechanisms to entrench in power a shrinking minority of Americans. It relies on mechanisms like the Electoral College, gerrymande­ring of districts within the states, contriving voter registrati­on requiremen­ts and procedures to deny the franchise to constituen­cies not expected to vote Republican, adopting strict restrictio­n on immigrants fleeing abuse in fear they will not become Republican voters as they become eligible to citizenshi­p.

But, worst of all, is the spiteful, hateful rhetoric which undermines national unity, brings upon us scorn and fear of our allies, and furthers the aims of Russian President Putin and others who wish ill of the USA. Daniel C. Hudson Ridgefield

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