The News-Times

For Blumenthal, an ‘F’ to be proud of


I don’t think I run the risk of ethnic stereotypi­ng when I say that Jewish families in America recognize the value of education and encourage their children to do well in school. I speak with some authority on this subject because I myself grew up in such a household.

So it was amusing to hear uber-achiever Sen. Richard Blumenthal last week boast about how he has consistent­ly earned “F’s” — from the National Rifle Associatio­n.

The nation’s premier gun-rights group and unalterabl­e foe of gun control grades lawmakers on their positions on gun issues. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., gets an “A,” as do most Senate Republican­s.

But Blumenthal — Harvard grad, Yale Law, Supreme Court clerk, state attorney general, senator — gets “F’s.” And so does his Connecticu­t colleague, Sen. Chris Murphy. No surprise for either one, given their liberal Democratic leanings and representa­tion of a state that suffered grievously from the Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shooting (the sixth anniversar­y of which is Friday).

Even so, Blumenthal must have felt the mystical presence of his late mother, Jane Rosenstock, in the room where he was addressing a conference of advocates organized by Newtown Action Alliance.

“My mom told me never to get F’s,” he told the audience, deadpan. “But she’d be proud of this one!”

Luck of the draw

Rep.-elect Jahana Hayes must have been feeling very lucky indeed when she dug her hand into the bowl determinin­g the numerical order for picking offices on Capitol Hill — and came up with number 12. Hayes hasn’t even been sworn in for her first term but already she’s scored a major legislativ­e success in selecting a coveted office in the Longworth House Office Building, fourth floor.

The suite is far from plush, to be sure. Aides sit cheek by jowl in smallish rooms set off from the boss’ office, which is private but far from spacious. The quarters are a stark contrast to comparable digs in the Senate office buildings on the other side of Capitol Hill. If Senate offices are the Waldorf Astoria, House offices are just barely the Courtyard Marriott.

But Hayes certainly is not complainin­g. She knows it could have been a whole lot worse in a drawing that involved 80 or more of her fellow newbies. Just ask Hayes’ predecesso­r, Rep. Elizabeth Esty, who occupied what she termed an “attic office” on the fifth floor of the adjacent Cannon House Office Building.

Known variously as “Freshman Hall” or “Freshman Penthouse,” the fifth floor of Cannon requires an extra elevator ride for access and connects to …. Nowhere.

Hayes is hoping her luck holds up for the next major hurdle: committee assignment­s. The 45-year-old former history at Kennedy High School in Waterbury is hoping for an assignment to the House Education & the Workforce Committee. As Teacher of the Year

2016, Hayes should get it in a heartbeat.

And it doesn’t hurt that she endorsed House Speaker to-be Nancy Pelosi last week and helped the 78year-old California­n ward off what would have been an embarrassi­ng defeat among House Democrats.

But the jury is still out on that one, so please stand by.

Life after Congress

And speaking of Esty, this is the valedictor­y season as she prepares to depart Capitol Hill after serving three terms. With Esty having declined interview requests from me and Hearst Connecticu­t Media colleague Rob Ryser, I feared she was about to go gently into that good night and never be heard from again.

Turns out there was no reason to fear. I encountere­d Esty after the abovementi­oned Newtown Action Alliance meeting. She was the same old Elizabeth Esty, full of talk-talk-talk and thoughtful reflection.

Plans for the future? Uncertain, but tending to her aging mother in California is high on the list.

Travel is another definite possibilit­y. Son Jonathan is in Hong Kong, so there’s that. Also, husband Dan is on sabbatical, and his Yale Law School interests may take him to France.

Esty studied in Paris after Harvard on a Rotary Internatio­nal scholarshi­p, and she helped translate French-written documents for President Richard Nixon’s memoir. (Her reward? Two copies of the book, signed by the 37th president of the United States himself.)

“I haven’t had a break in 10 years!” she told me.

Ideally, she says, she’d like to pursue public-policy interests that parallel her work on Capitol Hill — science, guns, infrastruc­ture, veterans and that all-encompassi­ng “civic engagement.”

She laughs when asked whether any of those interests translate into a day job at some point in her future.

“I’m just postponing figuring out what that might be,” she answered. So hit the “pause” button on Elizabeth Esty, rather than “cancel.”

 ?? Drew Angerer / Getty Images ?? Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., said he is proud to receive Fs from tne National Rifle Associatio­n.
Drew Angerer / Getty Images Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., said he is proud to receive Fs from tne National Rifle Associatio­n.
 ?? Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press ?? Rep.-elect Jahana Hayes, D-Conn., landed a coveted office in the Longworth House Office Building.
Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press Rep.-elect Jahana Hayes, D-Conn., landed a coveted office in the Longworth House Office Building.
 ?? Hearst Connecticu­t Media ?? U.S. Rep. Elizabeth Esty is making plans for her life after Congress.
Hearst Connecticu­t Media U.S. Rep. Elizabeth Esty is making plans for her life after Congress.
 ??  ??

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