The News-Times

Fast pulse, fatigue concern woman

- Keith Roach, M.D.

Dear Dr. Roach: My heartbeat is around 98-100 per minute. I checked with my primary doctor, and she said it’s normal, as I am getting older. (I’m 48, female.) My doctor checked my blood and said everything is normal except low calcium. I can’t run even three minutes. Do you think I have a heart problem or am just getting older like my doctor said? V.N.

Answer: The normal pulse rate in an adult is between 60 and 100, and you are very close to the top of the range. While it may be normal, it is worth considerin­g the possibilit­y that this may be a more significan­t issue.

Getting older does bring changes, but you are only 48. Low calcium is an unexpected finding as well.

The main other concern I have is your inability to run for three minutes. I think you need a more thorough evaluation before ascribing symptoms to getting older.

Dear Dr. Roach: I received my laboratory values (a “complete metabolic panel”) from my doctor. What do all these results mean?

C.J. Answer: A complete metabolic panel is a standard set of 14 blood tests.

The kidney tests include the electrolyt­es and calcium, as well as two measures of kidney function: blood urea nitrogen and creatinine. Abnormalit­ies of these numbers can indicate disorders of salt and water balance or intrinsic kidney disease. The carbon dioxide level may indicate lung issues.

The liver tests are total protein and albumin, the liver enzymes (ALT, AST and alkaline phosphatas­e), and the bile and breakdown product bilirubin. Liver diseases can make those levels too high, reflecting liver cell damage or obstructio­n of bile flow, or too low. A high bilirubin can indicate breakdown of red blood cells.

The last test in a complete metabolic panel is the glucose. Diabetes is often diagnosed with an abnormal glucose on routine lab testing before any symptoms are noticed.

Results need to be interprete­d with the recognitio­n that about 5 percent of values in healthy people fall outside the range. Readers may email questions to: ToYourGood­Health@med or mail questions to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

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