The News-Times

Dems must defend record

- By State Rep. Vincent Candelora State Rep. Vincent Candelora of North Branford, 86th District, is the Deputy House Leader.

Last year marked the ninth consecutiv­e year that Connecticu­t lost residents to other states as another 30,000 people became exNutmegge­rs. It was among the highest total for a single year over the last decade.

That should tell the politician­s in charge at the Capitol, meaning Democrats, a lot about what they have been doing to this state. The oneparty majority they have enjoyed since 2010 has wreaked havoc on our state’s finances and the people who work for a living or now want to retire understand this.

We have endured neverendin­g tax increases, in 2011, 2015 and 2019, jobkilling policies such as mandatory payroll taxes on all nonunion workers so someone else does not have to go to work, the Family and Medical Leave act, and minimum wage hikes as far as the eye can see.

Their budget that passed without a single Republican vote in June also included a hidden tax on most items bought in groceries. When this was pointed out by Republican­s prior to the new tax taking effect Oct. 1, Democrats panicked and the Lamont administra­tion came up with a flimsy bureaucrat­ic definition that disabled the tax, at least temporaril­y.

But to hear them tell it, it is somehow incumbent upon Republican­s to now join the majority party to promote policies that we don’t support. My colleague and good friend state Rep. Jason Rojas on these pages recently lamented that Republican­s have declined to go along with the Democrat agenda. Over the last decade the majority party has dismissed our budgets and policy proposals and that only resulted in more deficits and then higher taxes.

We did come together in bipartisan fashion in 2017 when Democrats failed to come up with even one budget proposal and ultimately passed a notax hike plan, which also included an eliminatio­n of the income tax on pensions and social security. When the Democrats expanded their majority following the 2018 elections, they promptly went about undoing as much of that bipartisan agreement as they could and enacted more tax hikes.

The Democrats have not only failed the people of Connecticu­t with their policies, they are lousy at math. They now have comfortabl­e margins in both the House and Senate and they occupy the governor’s residence. They have the ability to push through their agenda, and they have decided to do so without input from the Republican­s.

But Democrats now find themselves at another critical juncture. Their governor has made the installati­on of tolls on Connecticu­t bridges and roadways the lynch pin of his overall transporta­tion plan. Public opinion polls show most residents of Connecticu­t don’t support the concept of adding hundreds of millions more in annual taxes on motorists.

The original toll plan was rolled out in February and was a disaster for the Democrats and was scrapped because they could not muster the votes for it. Gov. Ned Lamont has promised a revised version.

House Republican­s have made our opposition to tolls quite clear, have offered alternativ­es in the past and are poised to once again to address our infrastruc­ture needs into the future.

We don’t need to hear more civics lectures from our elected leaders. We do need to examine the reasons why our neighbors and friends continue to head for the exits and translate that into public policies to make it easier for them to stay, and until the Democrats begin to listen to the plight of the working class, the exodus will continue.

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