The News-Times

Reagan’s elections offer history lessons for Trump

- Steven S. Berizzi is a professor of history and political science at Norwalk Community College.

At Mount Rushmore on July 3, President Donald Trump used the familiar tactic of stoking fear by warning that a “left-wing cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the American Revolution.”

This transparen­t falsehood signified an effort to revive his failing campaign for reelection. In the aggregate of national polls compiled by Nate Silver’s FiveThirty­Eight website, Trump’s approval rating is about 40 percent, about as low as President Jimmy Carter’s dismal rating 100 days before the election of 1980 and President George H.W. Bush’s in

1992. Carter lost his campaign for reelection in a landslide, and President Bush, in a three-candidate contest, was badly beaten. Knowing some history, a highlyresp­ected Connecticu­t-educated opinion writer for New York City’s newspaper of record recently asserted that the election is close to over. An equally sharp Connecticu­t-born and based elections analyst currently gives Trump only an 8.5 percent chance to win a second term.

Forecasts are not facts. Four years ago, Trump proved himself to be an energetic, resourcefu­l campaigner, and much could happen before Election Day. Neverthele­ss, history suggests what Trump will only improve his prospects by moderating his tone and tactics. The gloomy, almost depressing, culture-war themes at his rallies in Tulsa and Phoenix last month and at the South Dakota event, ostensibly not a campaign rally, must be replaced by providing leadership through a more uplifting, optimistic message.

In 1984, a television advertisem­ent supporting President Ronald Reagan’s campaign for a second term began: “It’s morning again in America.” I did not vote for Reagan in that election, but I recognize the brilliance of this ad. Its sentiment minimized the threats posed by growing Cold War tensions with the Soviet Union, warfare and related violence in Latin America and the Middle East, where 220 U.S. Marines were killed by a truck bomb in Beirut, Lebanon in October

1983. the lingering effects of a recession, and the AIDS epidemic. Instead, the slogan was memorable by capturing the spirit of many Americans. Reagan did not promise the best of times, but he did offer leadership toward rebirth. Not surprising­ly, Reagan was re-elected in a landslide. Providing leadership requires inspiring trust and showing a path forward.

According to an ancient saying that apparently originated more than 2,000 years ago in “Aesop’s

Forecasts are not facts. Four years ago, Trump proved himself to be an energetic, resourcefu­l campaigner, and much could happen before Election Day. Neverthele­ss, history suggests what Trump will only improve his prospects by moderating his tone and tactics.

Fables”: Be careful what you wish for because you might get it. One shrewd Connecticu­t-born political journalist recently opined that many people who supported Donald Trump in 2016 thought he would be a terrible president but did not expect him to win the election, and voted for him as a gesture of protest against the Barack Obama-Hillary Clinton Democrats. Since Trump’s inaugurati­on in January 2017, he has been deeply divisive, posing as a patriot while subverting basic American ideals. Willingnes­s to enflame the culture war works sometimes, especially for challenger­s, but this strategy is not advisable for a president during a global public health and economic crisis that has been complicate­d in the United States by protests against structural racism and police violence. At some point, every president must be accountabl­e for the state of the nation, even for events beyond his direct control.

President Trump has been complacent, even dismissive, about the continuing threat of coronaviru­s, too willing to rely on short-term economic indicators such as daily changes in the equity markets and monthly unemployme­nt reports but insufficie­ntly concerned about the cruel realities of long-term health risks. Although Trump clearly would prefer to make the election about ideology, identity, and his warped version of history, in the national referendum on four years of his presidency, a central issue must be whether he can do the job.

That was the question in July 1979, when President Carter was mocked for his so-called “malaise” speech. In a time of rising energy prices and ongoing economic “stagflatio­n”, Carter sought to deflect attention by lamenting what he described as “a crisis of confidence ... that strikes at the very heart and soul and spirit of our national will. We can see this crisis in the growing doubt about the meaning of our own lives and in the loss of a unity of purpose for our nation.” Many Americans agreed, blamed Carter, and voted for Reagan.

Four years later, believing Reagan had been an effective president and was optimistic about the future, voters rewarded him with one of the greatest landslide victories in U.S. history. In this year’s election, under very different conditions, if President Trump does not quickly re-brand himself and change tactics, he is inviting resounding defeat and rejection comparable to Carter’s debacle in 1980.

 ?? Madeline Drexler / Associated Press ?? In this Oct. 28, 1980 file photo, President Jimmy Carter shakes hands with Republican Presidenti­al candidate Ronald Reagan after debating in the Cleveland Music Hall in Cleveland.
Madeline Drexler / Associated Press In this Oct. 28, 1980 file photo, President Jimmy Carter shakes hands with Republican Presidenti­al candidate Ronald Reagan after debating in the Cleveland Music Hall in Cleveland.

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